Python 購物車
阿新 • • 發佈:2017-07-14
ppi pytho bold 技術分享 顯示 play logs isdigit bsp
goods = [
{"name": "電腦", "price": 1999},
{"name": "鼠標", "price": 10},
{"name": "遊艇", "price": 20},
{"name": "美女", "price": 998},
shoping=[] goods = [ {"name": "電腦", "price": 1999}, {"name"View Code: "鼠標", "price": 10}, {"name": "遊艇", "price": 20}, {"name": "美女", "price": 998}, ] while True: salary=input(‘Your salary : ‘) if salary.isdigit(): int(salary) break else: continue while True: # print(goods) for index , i in enumerate(goods):print(index , ‘.‘ , i["name"],i["price"] ) choice = input(‘請選擇要購買的商品編號:‘) salary=int(salary) if choice.isdigit(): choice=int(choice) if choice >=0 and choice < len(goods): p=goods[choice] # print(p) if salary >=p[‘price‘]: salary-= p["price"] shoping.append(p) print("Added \033[32;1m[%s]\033[0m into you shopping cart,and you current balance is \033[31;1m%s\033[0m " % ( p[‘name‘], salary)) else: print("你的錢不夠") chongzhi=input(‘是否需要充值 Y/N:‘) if chongzhi == "Y" or chongzhi == ‘y‘ : salary_chongzhi=input("請輸入充值的金額") if salary_chongzhi.isdigit(): salary_chongzhi=int(salary_chongzhi) salary=salary_chongzhi+salary else: continue elif choice == ‘delete‘: for index, i in enumerate(shoping): print(index, ‘.‘, i[‘name‘], i[‘price‘]) delete = input(‘請輸入你想要刪除的商品編號:‘) if delete.isdigit(): delete=int(delete) # if delete >=0 and delete < len(shoping): salary+=shoping[delete][‘price‘] shoping.pop(delete) elif choice == ‘shop‘: print(shoping) elif choice=="quit": print("你購買的商品列表:",shoping) exit()
Python 購物車