1. 程式人生 > >golang 的GOPATH設置的問題

golang 的GOPATH設置的問題

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go run footer.go 的時候呢, go會依次去GOPATH 和GOROOT設置的對應路徑下面找對應的包(目錄和文件)

找的時候呢, 會在GoPATH 和GOROOT對應的目錄後面再加一層路徑 "/src/"哦



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I have a sample project setup based on this article.

This is my directory structure:

└── fooproject
    └── src
       ├── foo
          └── foo.go
       └── fooer
           └── fooer.go

I have set the GOTPATH

$ echo $GOPATH

I am trying to run foor.go but I get a cannot find package error even though it exists in the location referenced by GOPATH

i.e. in src/foo.

This is how I am running it:

$ pwd

$ go run fooer.go 
fooer.go:4:3: cannot find package "foo" in any of:
    /usr/local/go/src/foo (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/Bharat/Dev/golang/fooproject/src/foo (from $GOPATH)

These are the file contents.


package foo

import (

func Bar() {


package main

import (

func main() {

I get the same error when I try to do go build fooer.go.

Where am I going wrong with the project structure?


3down voteaccepted

That might be because of a typo:

instead of

You have:

$ echo $GOPATH
$ pwd
shareedit answered Aug 20 ‘15 at 6:00 技術分享 VonC 696k22521002319
goloang doesn‘t look like the correct spelling. – VonC Aug 20 ‘15 at 6:04
Aah!! My eyes seem bad. It was really a stupid mistake. Another pair of eyes looking at it was helpful! It works now. – Bharat Aug 20 ‘15 at 6:06
@Bharat 11PM in SF... I understand ;) I‘ve been there many times. – VonC Aug 20 ‘15 at 6:07

golang 的GOPATH設置的問題