Postgresql 學習筆記(1)
阿新 • • 發佈:2017-08-01
sql postgre
#配置遠程連接 su postgres vim /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/postgresql.conf 編輯配置文件 listen_address=’localhost’ 前面的註釋#去掉,並把’localhost’該為’*’; vim /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/pg_hba.conf host all all password password 可以設置為trust /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 restart 重啟服務:還有stop start命令一樣的。如果配置錯誤可能導致無法重啟
psql -U postgres #進入數據庫 \l #查看有哪些數據庫 \c postgresql #選擇postgresql 這個數據庫,會提示進入連接 \dt #查看所有表 \d tablename #查看某張表結構 \h #查看幫助
#1.創建表 create table t1 ( id serial, name varchar(64) ); CREATE TABLE postgres=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+-------+---------- public | t1 | table | postgres (1 row)
2.創建用戶u1 create role u1 with login password ‘123456‘; #login是賦予登錄權限,否則是不能登錄的 CREATE ROLE
3.賦予u1對表的只讀權限(因為創建的普通用戶默認是沒有任何權限的) postgres=# \c - u1 FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "u2" Previous connection kept 如果出現以上信息,則需改配置文件: vim /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf 找到下面的一行: local all postgres peer 改成: local all postgres trust 如果出現下面的錯誤: FATAL: Peer authentication failed foruser "mypguser" 請仍然修改pg_hba.conf文件,該下面行的peer為md5: local all all md5 # replace peer with md5 完成上面的修改後請重新加載postgresql: /etc/init.d/postgresql reload postgres=> select * from t1; ERROR: permission denied for relation t1 postgres=> \c - postgres You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres". postgres=# grant select on all tables in schema public to u1; GRANT postgres=# \c - u1You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "u1". postgres=> select * from t1; id | name ----+------ (0 rows)
4.創建表t2 postgres=> \c - postgres You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres". postgres=# create table t2 ( id serial, name varchar(64) ); CREATE TABLE postgres=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+-------+---------- public | t1 | table | postgres public | t2 | table | postgres (2 rows)
5.驗證u1的權限 postgres=# \c - u1You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "u1". postgres=> select * from t1; id | name ----+------ (0 rows) postgres=> select * from t2; ERROR: permission denied for relation t2 可見u1是有t1表的讀權限,但沒有t2表的讀權限,這樣是不是意味著每次新建表就要賦一次權限?
6.解決辦法 postgres=> \c - postgres You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres". postgres=# alter default privileges in schema public grant select on tables to u1; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES # grant是賦予用戶schema下當前表的權限 # alter default privileges是賦予用戶schema下表的默認權限 postgres=# create table t3 ( id serial, name varchar(64) ); CREATE TABLE postgres=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+-------+---------- public | t1 | table | postgres public | t2 | table | postgres public | t3 | table | postgres (3 rows)
1.創建u2用戶 postgres=# create role u2 with login password ‘123456‘; CREATE ROLE
2.賦予更新權限 postgres=# alter default privileges in schema public grant select,insert,update,delete on tables to u2; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES
3.創建表t4 postgres=# create table t4 ( id serial, name varchar(64) );CREATE TABLE postgres=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+-------+---------- public | t1 | table | postgres public | t2 | table | postgres public | t3 | table | postgres public | t4 | table | postgres (4 rows)
4.查看權限 postgres=# \c - u2You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "u2". postgres=> insert into t4 values ( 1, ‘aa‘ ); INSERT 0 1 postgres=> select * from t4; id | name ----+------ 1 | aa (1 row) postgres=> update t4 set name = ‘bb‘ where id = 1; UPDATE 1 postgres=> select * from t4; id | name ----+------ 1 | bb (1 row) postgres=> delete from t4 where id = 1; DELETE 1 postgres=> select * from t4; id | name ----+------ (0 rows)
5.序列的權限與解決辦法 # 在insert的時候,指定列插入,主鍵id是serial類型會默認走sequence的下一個值,但前面 # 只賦予了表的權限,所以會出現下面的問題: postgres=> insert into t4 ( name ) values ( ‘aa‘ ); ERROR: permission denied for sequence t4_id_seq # 解決方法就是再賦一次sequence的值就行了 postgres=> \c - postgres You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres". postgres=# alter default privileges in schema public grant usage on sequences to u2; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES postgres=# create table t5 ( id serial, name varchar(64) ); CREATE TABLE postgres=# \c - u2 You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "u2". postgres=> insert into t5 ( name ) values ( ‘cc‘ ); INSERT 0 1postgres=> select * from t5; id | name ----+------ 1 | cc (1 row)
postgres=> \c - postgres You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres". postgres=# drop role u2; ERROR: role "u2" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it DETAIL: privileges for table t5 privileges for sequence t5_id_seq privileges for default privileges on new sequences belonging to role postgres in schema publicprivileges for table t4 privileges for default privileges on new relations belonging to role postgres in schema public # 當我們刪除用戶的時候,會提示有權限依賴,所以我們要刪除這些權限 postgres=# alter default privileges in schema public revoke usage on sequences from u2; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES postgres=# alter default privileges in schema public revoke select,insert,delete,update on tables from u2; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES postgres=# revoke select,insert,delete,update on all tables in schema public from u2; REVOKE postgres=# revoke usage on all sequences in schema public from u2; REVOKE postgres=# drop role u2; DROP ROLE
sudo -u postgres psql ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD ‘passwd‘;
Postgresql 學習筆記(1)