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我們“真的 ”知道自己在說什麽嗎?

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我們“真的 ”知道自己在說什麽嗎?

Neil Cameron















So we actually “do” know what we are talking about?

As a technical advisor, and now a salesman, marketing expert, logistics expert and general dogsbody I spend a lot of time talking to my customers. In fact if someone rings up asking the question “which card do I need?

” they probably end up regretting it because it’s never a short simple answer.

The same goes with “which disk do you recommend?” … that one is a can of worms that common-sense says I should stay away from, but I’ve never been accused of having too much of that commodity.

So …my push has been to move people to Series 8 (6 or 12Gb/s system compatible) controllers, and towards SSDs when they suit the customer’s data needs. With that in mind I’ve talked to a lot of my larger integrators who have done considerable testing on drives that are readily available in the Australian marketplace,and base a lot of my recommendations on their “real-world” experiences.

Nowin Australia the question does not start with “what is your cheapest RAIDcard?”, it generally starts with “what is the right card to make this thing go fast enough so the customer won’t complain?

”. That’s a good conversation tohave because it helps my customers think about their customer storage needs,not just the bottom line (though yes, that is still very, very important).

Sowhat do I recommend? This is probably very different for customers across theworld because of the discrepancies in drive prices that we see from country tocountry across my region. SAS is cheap in India, SSD is expensive. SAS isexpensive in Australia and SSD is taking over big time due to price, capacityand performance. However, all that taken into account I’m finding a greatuptake on 8 Series Controllers and Sandisk SSDs (top of the range of course).It seems people are finding that 15K SAS is just not worth it (heat, powerconsumption and cost for not a fantastic speed), and that SSD is a good choicein the enterprise market.

Nowall this is good for my sales and gives me someone to talk to on a daily basis(even if the customer can’t wait to get off the phone), but it makes me wonderwhether this is a worldwide phenomenon … since this is a global blog I’ll askthe question of the worldwide community: “Do you talk to your vendor to askwhat is the right product to suit your needs?”

IronicallyI find more and more people who don’t think they can even talk to the vendor,but rather have to go online and sift through the chaff on websites trying to(a) understand what they are seeing and (b) make sense of it all to come upwith an informed decision.

Asfar as I’m concerned both are a waste of time. I might be old fashioned but themobile phone on my desk is still predominantly used for making phone calls (andnot facebooking, etc), and I still find it useful to actually talk to someoneif I want to find something out about a product – not try and become a productexpert myself with limited idea of what I’m doing.

Sowhat do you do? I’d strongly suggest you pick up the phone and talk to us. Nomatter where you are in the world there will be someone who knows somethingabout our products – from the company directly to our distribution and resellerchannel who are trained in the use and capabilities of our products.

Beatsreading the web (which is ironic because that’s what you are dong while readingthis) … so give us a call and discuss your requirements – the phone numbers areon the web (that’s tongue in cheek).

我們“真的 ”知道自己在說什麽嗎?