hdu 3966 Aragorn's Story
阿新 • • 發佈:2017-08-21
ret bsp panel change it is find rom multi ini
Multiple test cases, process to the end of
For each case, The first line contains three integers N, M, P which means there will be N(1 ≤ N ≤ 50000) camps, M(M = N-1) edges and P(1 ≤ P ≤ 100000) operations. The number of camps starts from 1.
The next line contains N integers A1, A2, ...AN(0 ≤ Ai ≤ 1000), means at first in camp-i has Ai enemies.
The next M lines contains two integers u and v for each, denotes that there is an edge connects camp-u and camp-v.
The next P lines will start with a capital letter ‘I‘, ‘D‘ or ‘Q‘ for each line.
‘I‘, followed by three integers C1, C2 and K( 0≤K≤1000), which means for camp C1, C2 and all camps on the path from C1 to C2, increase K soldiers to these camps.
‘D‘, followed by three integers C1, C2 and K( 0≤K≤1000), which means for camp C1, C2 and all camps on the path from C1 to C2, decrease K soldiers to these camps.
‘Q‘, followed by one integer C, which is a query and means Aragorn wants to know the number of enemies in camp C at that time.
Time Limit: 10000/3000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 12673 Accepted Submission(s):
For each case, The first line contains three integers N, M, P which means there will be N(1 ≤ N ≤ 50000) camps, M(M = N-1) edges and P(1 ≤ P ≤ 100000) operations. The number of camps starts from 1.
The next line contains N integers A1, A2, ...AN(0 ≤ Ai ≤ 1000), means at first in camp-i has Ai enemies.
The next M lines contains two integers u and v for each, denotes that there is an edge connects camp-u and camp-v.
The next P lines will start with a capital letter ‘I‘, ‘D‘ or ‘Q‘ for each line.
‘I‘, followed by three integers C1, C2 and K( 0≤K≤1000), which means for camp C1, C2 and all camps on the path from C1 to C2, increase K soldiers to these camps.
‘D‘, followed by three integers C1, C2 and K( 0≤K≤1000), which means for camp C1, C2 and all camps on the path from C1 to C2, decrease K soldiers to these camps.
‘Q‘, followed by one integer C, which is a query and means Aragorn wants to know the number of enemies in camp C at that time.
Output For each query, you need to output the actually number of enemies in the specified camp.
Sample Input 3 2 5 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 I 1 3 5 Q 2 D 1 2 2 Q 1 Q 3
Sample Output 7 4 8 Hint 1.The number of enemies may be negative. 2.Huge input, be careful.
Source 2011 Multi-University Training Contest 13 - Host by HIT 樹剖裸題 然而。。。
#include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #define N 50005 struct Segment { int l,r,sum,flag; }tr[N*4]; int n,m,p,tdis[N],belong[N],top[N],siz[N],dad[N],dep[N],next[N*2],to[N*2],head[N],cnt,dfn[N],tim; inline void init() { cnt=tim=0; memset(to,0,sizeof(to)); memset(tr,0,sizeof(tr)); memset(top,0,sizeof(top)); memset(siz,0,sizeof(siz)); memset(dfn,0,sizeof(dfn)); memset(dep,0,sizeof(dep)); memset(next,0,sizeof(next)); memset(head,0,sizeof(head)); memset(tdis,0,sizeof(tdis)); memset(belong,0,sizeof(belong)); } inline void ins(int u,int v) { next[++cnt]=head[u];to[cnt]=v;head[u]=cnt; next[++cnt]=head[v];to[cnt]=u;head[v]=cnt; } void dfs1(int x) { dep[x]=dep[dad[x]]+1; siz[x]=1; for(int i=head[x];i;i=next[i]) { if(dad[x]!=to[i]) { dad[to[i]]=x; dfs1(to[i]); siz[x]+=siz[to[i]]; } } } void dfs2(int x) { int pos=0; if(!top[x]) top[x]=x; dfn[++tim]=x;belong[x]=tim; for(int i=head[x];i;i=next[i]) if(dad[x]!=to[i]&&siz[pos]<siz[to[i]]) pos=to[i]; if(pos) top[pos]=top[x],dfs2(pos); for(int i=head[x];i;i=next[i]) if(dad[x]!=to[i]&&to[i]!=pos) dfs2(to[i]); } inline void pushup(int k) {tr[k].sum=tr[k<<1].sum+tr[k<<1|1].sum;} void build(int k,int l,int r) { tr[k].l=l;tr[k].r=r; if(l==r) { tr[k].sum=tdis[dfn[l]]; return; } int mid=(l+r)>>1; build(k<<1,l,mid); build(k<<1|1,mid+1,r); pushup(k); } inline void swap(int &m,int &n) { int tmp=n; n=m; m=tmp; } inline void pushdown(int k) { tr[k<<1].flag+=tr[k].flag; tr[k<<1|1].flag+=tr[k].flag; tr[k<<1].sum+=tr[k].flag*(tr[k<<1].r-tr[k<<1].l+1); tr[k<<1|1].sum+=tr[k].flag*(tr[k<<1|1].r-tr[k<<1|1].l+1); tr[k].flag=0; } int query(int k,int t) { if(tr[k].l==tr[k].r) return tr[k].sum; if(tr[k].flag) pushdown(k); int mid=(tr[k].l+tr[k].r)>>1; if(t<=mid) return query(k<<1,t); else return query(k<<1|1,t); } void Tmodify(int k,int l,int r,int v) { if(tr[k].l==l&&tr[k].r==r) { tr[k].sum+=v*(r-l+1); tr[k].flag+=v; return; } if(tr[k].flag) pushdown(k); int mid=(tr[k].l+tr[k].r)>>1; if(l>mid) Tmodify(k<<1|1,l,r,v); else if(r<=mid) Tmodify(k<<1,l,r,v); else Tmodify(k<<1,l,mid,v),Tmodify(k<<1|1,mid+1,r,v); pushup(k); } inline void Cmodify(int x,int y,int v) { for(;top[x]!=top[y];x=dad[top[x]]) { if(dep[top[x]]<dep[top[y]]) swap(x,y); Tmodify(1,belong[top[x]],belong[x],v); } if(dep[x]<dep[y]) swap(x,y); Tmodify(1,belong[y],belong[x],v); } int main() { for(;scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&p)!=EOF;) { init(); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d",&tdis[i]); for(int x,y;m--;) { scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); ins(x,y); } dfs1(1); dfs2(1); char opt[5]; build(1,1,n); for(int x,y,z;p--;) { scanf("%s",opt); if(opt[0]==‘I‘) { scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z); Cmodify(x,y,z); } else if(opt[0]==‘D‘) { scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z); Cmodify(x,y,-z); } else { scanf("%d",&x); printf("%d\n",query(1,belong[x])); } } } return 0; }
hdu 3966 Aragorn's Story