[Coding Made Simple] Staircase problem Fibonacci series
Given a staircase and give you can take 1 or 2 steps at a time, how many ways you can reach nth step.
Same problem link.
Climbing Stairs
[Coding Made Simple] Staircase problem Fibonacci series
[Coding Made Simple] Staircase problem Fibonacci series
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bzoj3489 A simple rmq problem
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BZOJ.3489.A simple rmq problem(主席樹 Heap)
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bzoj 3489: A simple rmq problem
-- 區域 struct bits scrip void sim clu 第一個 Description 給出一個長度為n的序列,給出M個詢問:在[l,r]之間找到一個在這個區間裏只出現過一次的數,並且要求找的這個數盡可能大。如果找不到這樣的數,則直接輸出0, 強制在線。
【bzoj3489】A simple rmq problem
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