zookeeper logs is missing zookeeper 日誌丟失
ERROR [main:[email protected]] - Invalid config, exiting abnormally
Invalid config, exiting abnormally org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerConfig$ConfigException: Error processing D:\Program Files\zookeeper-3.4.6\zookeeper-3.4.6\bin\..\conf\zoo.cfg
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dataLogDir E:\tomcat\zookeeper-3.4.6\logs is missing.
zookeeper logs is missing zookeeper 日誌丟失
zookeeper logs is missing zookeeper 日誌丟失
err argument peer config quorum roc nbsp log ces ERROR [main:[email protected]] - Invalid config, exiting abnormally Invalid config
myid檔案缺失導致zookeeper無法啟動(myid file is missing)
myid檔案缺失 現象 :zookeeper無法啟動; 異常 :$dataDir/myid file is missing; 原因 :zk叢集中的節點需要獲取myid檔案內容來標識該節點,缺失
Zookeeper叢集報錯:myid檔案缺失導致zookeeper無法啟動(myid file is missing)
搭建叢集存在的問題 zoo.cfg: dataDir=/home/ubuntu/data/zkdata/zookeeper 設定伺服器編號: 在~/data/zkdata/myid: echo "1
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web.xml is missing and <failOnMissingWebXml> is set to true
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ted 命名空間 不同之處 分布式系統 ast margin .html 為我 找到 一、分布式協調技術 在給大家介紹ZooKeeper之前先來給大家介紹一種技術——分布式協調技術。那麽什麽是分布式協調技術?那麽我來告訴大家,其實分布式協調技術主要用來解決分布式環境當中多
@RequestBody對象為空,異常Required request body is missing
gateway row sock abs roc dap pri ont == 1.異常 org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is
pom.xml報錯:web.xml is missing and <failOnMissingWebXml> is set to true
-i 成了 tro pom inf esc 方法 target targe 出現這個錯誤的原因是Maven不支持缺少web.xml的web項目 解決方法 添加Web模塊,對項目右鍵->Java EE Tools->Generate Deployment
pom.xml出現web.xml is missing and <failOnMissingWebXml> is set to true解決方案
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BOOTMCR is missing
選擇 啟動盤 sin 對話框 bio mgr 外設 重裝 如果 Bootmcr is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart這是Bootmcr丟失引導文件所致啟動失敗。一般按照提示做不能正常進入操作系統的,此時只有嘗試進入安全模式。開機
tablespace innodb_index_stats is missing
innodb_index_stats 表損壞 mysql mysqldump 導入mysqldump過程中,手賤(手殘)按到 ctrl+alt+z 。導致此進程終止(暫停),因為當時 執行查看進程時候 ps -ef|grep mysql 。然後還能看到進程 mysql -uroot -p
makeinfo is missing on your system(轉)
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android studio bug : aidl is missing 解決方案
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Win2012 R2 Boot Configuration Data is missing
bootThe Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors. **We have two options to solve this issue: 1.Run Startup Repair. 2.Rebuild the
CA tomcat acc localhost handle 文件的 per min lin 以下文件都是在tomcat啟動時自動生成的日誌文件,按照日期自動備份 localhost.log 程序異常沒有被捕獲的時候拋出的地方【常用】 catalina.log 程序的輸
PHP composer-setup安裝遇到的openssl extension is missing
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bootmanager is missing
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Cause: dx.jar is missing
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The Tomcat server configuration at ServersTomcat v8.0 Server at localhost-config is missing. Check the server for erro
windows missing nis could not iyu window ips finish ima 解決方案 1.選擇Eclipse工具欄中的Windows→Perferences 2.remove已經創建的server
Maven開源外掛(yuicompressor-maven)編譯報錯 A required class is missing:org.mozilla.javascript.ErrorReporter
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