1. 程式人生 > >perl6正則 5: [ ] / | / ||

perl6正則 5: [ ] / | / ||

sam src and 技術 more spa ges 註意 位置


也就是可以把多種要匹配的寫進[ ] 中, 第種用 | 分開就行了。

| 與 || 有差別

|的話, 當匹配位置 相同時, 會取最長的, 而 || , 當前面的匹配成功, 後面的就不會再去匹配。


a || bc /
# matches ‘a‘ or ‘bc‘
( a || b ) c / # matches ‘ac‘ or ‘bc‘
[ a || b ] c / # Same: matches ‘ac‘ or ‘bc‘, non-capturing grouping
a b+ /
# Matches an ‘a‘ followed by one or more ‘b‘s
(a b)+ /
Matches one or more sequences of ‘ab‘ [a b]+ / # Matches one or more sequences of ‘ab‘, non-capturing (a || b)+ / # Matches a sequence of ‘a‘s and ‘b‘s(at least one)

註意 [] 跟 <[]> 是不同的:


perl6正則 5: [ ] / | / ||