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Qt5.9 WebEngine 概述

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Qt WebEngine模塊提供了一個web瀏覽器, 在不使用本地瀏覽器的情況下, 它可以很容易地把Web內容嵌入到Qt應用程序中.

Qt WebEngine為渲染HTML, XHTML和SVG文檔, 使用CSS和JavaScript, 提供了C++類和QML類型

Qt WebEngine架構


Qt WebEngine的功能分成下列模塊:

  • Qt WebEngine Widgets 模塊: 用於創建基於Widget的web應用.
  • Qt WebEngine 模塊: 用於創建基於Qt Quick的web應用.
  • Qt WebEngine Core 模塊: 與Chromium交互

頁面(Page)渲染和JavaScript執行從GUI進行分離到了Qt WebEngine進程. 它是一個獨立的應用庫.

Qt WebEngine Widgets 模塊


一個web engine view 是Qt WebEngine模塊的主要Widget. 它可以在各種各樣的應用中加載網頁內容. 在視圖(view)裏, 一個web engine page有一個主frame, 它響應網頁內容, 瀏覽鏈接歷史以及操作(actions). view 和 page 非常相似, 它們提供一組公共函數.

所有pages都屬於web engine profile(配置), 它包含共享設置, 腳本和cookies. Profiles可以使用頁面分離. 一個典型應用是專用瀏覽模式的專用配置文件,其中沒有永久保存的信息.

備註: Qt WebEngine Widgets 模塊使用 Qt Quick場景圖來構成視圖中的網頁元素。這意味這UI進程需要OpenGL ES 2.0或OpenGL 2.0來進行渲染.

A web engine view is the main widget component of the Qt WebEngine module. It can be used in various applications to load web content. Within a view, a web engine page holds a main frame that is responsible for web content, the history of navigated links, and actions. The view and page are quite similar, as they provide a set of common functions.
All pages belong to a web engine profile that contains shared settings, scripts, and cookies. Profiles can be used to isolate pages from each other. A typical use case is a dedicated profile for a private browsing mode, where no information is permanently saved.
Note: The Qt WebEngine Widgets module uses the Qt Quick scene graph to compose the elements of a web page into one view. This means that the UI process requires OpenGL ES 2.0 or OpenGL 2.0 for its rendering.

Qt WebEngine Core Module

Qt WebEngine core基於Chromium項目.

備註: Qt WebEngine基於Chromium, 但是沒有包含或使用任何Chrome瀏覽器的其它服務和插件. 你可以在Chromium項目源代碼庫查看Chromium和Chrome的區別.

Qt5.9.1中的 Qt WebEngine基於Chromium 56.0.2924.122, 以及額外的安全更新.

The Qt WebEngine core is based on the Chromium Project. Chromium provides its own network and painting engines and is developed tightly together with its dependent modules.

Note: Qt WebEngine is based on Chromium, but does not contain or use any services or add-ons that might be part of the Chrome browser that is built and delivered by Google. You can find more detailed information about the differences between Chromium and Chrome in this overview that is part of the documentation in the Chromium Project upstream source tree.

This version of Qt WebEngine is based on Chromium version 56.0.2924.122, with additional security fixes from newer versions.

Qt WebEngine Process

The Qt WebEngine Process is a separate executable that is used to render web pages and execute JavaScript. This mitigates security issues and isolates crashes caused by specific content.

基於Widget的應用 Embedding Web Content into Widget Based Applications

使用QWebEngineView來顯示網頁非常簡單, 示例如下:

Use the QWebEngineView class to display web pages in the simplest way. Because it is a widget, you can embed QWebEngineView into your forms and use its convenience functions to download and display web sites.

  QWebEngineView *view = new QWebEngineView(parent);

一個QWebEngineView 實例有一個QWebEnginePage. QWebEnginePage有一個QWebEngineHistory(頁面的瀏覽歷史)和一些用於操作頁面的QAction對象. 此外, QWebEnginePage可以在頁面的主框架內運行JavaScript代碼以及為特定事件使用自定義處理器(比如顯示自定義授權對話框).

An instance of QWebEngineView has one QWebEnginePage. QWebEnginePage can have a QWebEngineHistory that provides access to the page‘s navigation history and several QAction objects that apply actions on the web page. In addition, a QWebEnginePage has the ability to run JavaScript code in the context of the page‘s main frame and to enable customization of handlers for specific events like showing custom authentication dialogs.

每一個QWebEnginePage都屬於一個QWebEngineProfile, QWebEngineProfile有一個頁面設置的QWebEngineSettings, 一個在頁面上運行腳本的QWebEngineScriptCollection, 一個訪問HTTP cookies的QWebEngineCookieStore . QWebEnginePage 可以直接指定腳本集合.
Each QWebEnginePage belongs to a QWebEngineProfile that can have a QWebEngineSettings for specifying page settings, a QWebEngineScriptCollection for running scripts on the page, and a QWebEngineCookieStore for accessing the HTTP cookies of Chromium. A QWebEnginePage can also directly point to a script collection.

對於基於widget的應用, web engine會自動初始化, 除非把它放在插件中. 在這種情況下, 它必須在應用程序主文件中用QtWebEngine::initialize初始化, 示例代碼如下:
For a widget based application, the web engine is automatically initialized, unless it is placed in a plugin. In that case, it must be initialized in the application main source file by using QtWebEngine::initialize, as illustrated by the following code snippet:

  int main(int argc, char **argv)
      QApplication app(argc, argv);


      QMainWindow window;

      return app.exec();

Embedding Web Content into Qt Quick Applications

The WebEngineView QML type allows Qt Quick applications to render regions of dynamic web content. A WebEngineView type may share the screen with other QML types or encompass the full screen as specified within the Qt Quick application.
To make sure that OpenGL context can be shared between the GUI and render processes, the web engine must be initialized by using QtWebEngine::initialize in the application main source file, as illustrated by the following code snippet:

  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);


      QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

      return app.exec();

應用程序可以使用URL和HTML字符串加載頁面到WebEngineView, 並使用事務歷史進行導航. 在默認情況下, 不同頁面的鏈接會加載到相同的WebEngineView對象, 但是web sites可能會請求打開新的tab, window和dialog.

An application can load pages into the WebEngineView, using either an URL or HTML string, and navigate within session history. By default, links to different pages load within the same WebEngineView object, but web sites may request them to be opened as a new tab, window, or dialog.
The following sample QML application loads a web page using the url property:

  import QtQuick 2.0
  import QtQuick.Window 2.0
  import QtWebEngine 1.0

  Window {
      width: 1024
      height: 750
      visible: true
      WebEngineView {
          anchors.fill: parent
          url: "http://www.qt.io"

Script Injection

Qt WebEngine不允許直接操作頁面DOM. 然而,DOM可以通過註入腳本來檢查和調整。

Qt WebEngine does not allow direct access to the document object model (DOM) of a page. However, the DOM can be inspected and adapted by injecting scripts.

在文檔ready(一般是頁面加載完成)時, 頁面Dom構建完成, . 因此, 在文檔創建時立刻執行腳本對DOM操作並不適合, 只有在DOM準備好之後再執行腳本.
The DOM of a page is constructed when the document is ready, typically when the page is completely loaded. Therefore, executing scripts as soon as a document is created is not suitable for DOM operations, where one has to wait until the DOM is ready.

另外, 註入腳本與頁面上運行的其它腳本共享同一個世界, 這意味著可能引起代碼沖突. 為避免它, QWebEngineScript和WebEngineScript QML類型提供了Chromium API 的 Content Script Extensions實現.
In addition, an injected script shares the same world as the other scripts executed on the page, which might lead to conflicts. To avoid this, the QWebEngineScript class and the WebEngineScript QML type provide implementations of the Chromium API for Content Script Extensions. They specify the script to run, the injection point, and the world where the script is run. This enables accessing the DOM to manipulate it within a world.
The following Greasemonkey attributes are supported since Qt 5.8: @exclude, @include, @name, @match, and @run-at.

Managing Certificates

Qt WebEngine uses its own network stack, and therefore QSslConfiguration is not used to open SSL connections. Instead, Qt WebEngine uses the root CA certificates from the operating system to validate the peer‘s certificate.
The WebEngineCertificateError::error and QWebEngineCertificateError::Error enumerations provide information about the types of certificate errors that might occur. The errors can be handled by using the WebEngineView::certificateError QML method or by reimplementing the QWebEnginePage::certificateError function.

Proxy Support

Qt WebEngine uses the proxy settings from Qt Network, and forwards them to Chromium‘s networking stack. If QNetworkProxy::applicationProxy is set, it will also be used for Qt WebEngine. If QNetworkProxyFactory::usesSystemConfiguration() is enabled, the proxy settings are automatically retrieved from the system. Settings from an installed QNetworkProxyFactory will be ignored, though.
Not all properties of QNetworkProxy are supported by Qt WebEngine. That is, QNetworkProxy::type(), QNetworkProxy::hostName() and QNetworkProxy::port() are taken into account. All other proxy settings such as QNetworkProxy::rawHeader(), QNetworkProxy::user(), or QNetworkProxy::password() are ignored.
If a proxy requires authentication, QWebEnginePage::proxyAuthenticationRequired is emitted. For Qt Quick, a dialog is shown.

高分辨率支持 High DPI Support

To support High DPI devices, it is recommended that the application attribute Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling is set to enable automatic scaling based on the pixel density of the monitor. In Qt WebEngine applications, the scaling affects the default zooming factor and scrollbar size.
For example:

  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    // ...

Qt WebEngine bundles images for normal and high-dpi resolutions into qtwebengine_resources_100p.pak and qtwebengine_resources_200p.pak files. Depending on the target resolutions, one or both of these files need to be deployed.
For more information, see High DPI Displays.

Using WebEngine Core

Qt WebEngine Core provides an API shared by Qt WebEngine and Qt WebEngine Widgets for handling URL requests issued for the networking stack of Chromium and for accessing its HTTP cookies.
Implementing the QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor interface and installing the interceptor on a profile enables intercepting, blocking, and modifying URL requests (QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo) before they reach the networking stack of Chromium.
A QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler can be registered for a profile to add support for custom URL schemes. Requests for the scheme are then issued to QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler::requestStarted() as QWebEngineUrlRequestJob objects.
The QWebEngineCookieStore class provides functions for accessing HTTP cookies of Chromium. The functions can be used to synchronize cookies with QNetworkAccessManager, as well as to set, delete, and intercept cookies during navigation.

Platform Notes

Qt WebEngine currently supports only Windows, Linux, and macOS. Due to Chromium build requirements it also often requires a newer compiler than the rest of Qt. See Qt WebEngine Platform Notes for further details.

Related Modules

Qt WebEngine supersedes the Qt WebKit module, which is based on the WebKit project, but has not been actively synchronized with the upstream WebKit code since Qt 5.2 and has been deprecated in Qt 5.5. For tips on how to change a Qt WebKit widgets application to use Qt WebEngine widgets, see Porting from Qt WebKit to Qt WebEngine.
The Qt WebView module allows to use a native web browser on platforms where one is available.
The Qt WebChannel module can be used to create a bi-directional communication channel between QObject objects on the C++ side and JavaScript on the QML side.



Qt5.9 WebEngine 概述