1. 程式人生 > >July 22st 2017 Week 29th Thursday

July 22st 2017 Week 29th Thursday

fly for exp achieve har eve port rac red

If you want to fly too high in relation to the horizon forget.
Always keep our eyes looking on the stars with our feet on the solid ground.
Without ambitious goals, we may have few impetus to achieve something.
Meanwhile, if there are too much things on our wings, we can‘t fly too high as well.
Unique characters can‘t be developed in ease and quite.
Only through experience of suffering and trial can our soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
I need to be more decisive, once confirming a goal, just turn the way to it.
Whether it is successful or not, may be less important, for the result all depends on my efforts in the coming years.

July 22st 2017 Week 29th Thursday