1. 程式人生 > >SoftEther VPN 下載速度 verry slow 慢

SoftEther VPN 下載速度 verry slow 慢

解決 mage linux existing cpu aso net config slow

用SoftEther VPN連接兩個網絡,從A到B下載文件,速度只有3k


OK... Finally I have solved this problem. Easy though a little bit imperfect.
The reason is unknown yet but I guess it is because the bridge implementation in Linux version is wrong (the Windows version always runs perfectly). I am not a professional programmer so I cannot debug it.

The solution is:
1. create a "bridge with new tap device" in "local bridge settings" instead of a "bridge with existing physical network adapter". (I use the GUI manager on Windows to manage the Linux server remotely)
2. create a bridge between the tap device and the physical adapter with following shell commands (root):
brctl addbr br0
brctl stp br0 off
brctl addif br0 eth1
brctl addif br0 tap_vpn #(在gui management網橋設置裏設置)
ifconfig br0 up
"eth1" is the aim adapter, which you previously chose when creating a "bridge with new tap device", and "tap_vpn" is the new tap device (use ifconfig to see its name).
3. That‘s all. After this steps my network speed is normal and the CPU load is acceptable for me.技術分享


SoftEther VPN 下載速度 verry slow 慢