day 34 編程之補充內容
阿新 • • 發佈:2017-12-05
完成後 def 們的 守護 add proc lease cer sta
from multiprocessing import Process,Queue import time,random,os def procducer(q): for i in range(10): res=‘包子%s‘ %i time.sleep(0.5) q.put(res) print(‘%s 生產了 %s‘ %(os.getpid(),res)) def consumer(q): while True: res=q.get()View Codeif res is None: break print(‘%s 吃 %s‘ %(os.getpid(),res)) time.sleep(random.randint(2,3)) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: q=Queue() p=Process(target=procducer,args=(q,)) c=Process(target=consumer,args=(q,)) p.start() c.start() p.join() q.put(None)print(‘主‘)
1 守護進程vs守護線程(*)
2 互斥鎖(**)
3 信號量(**)
4 生產者消費者模型(*****)
5 GIL(什麽時候用進程,什麽時候用線程)(*****) ===========>這裏明天講
# #守護進程 # from multiprocessing import Process # import os,time,random # # def task(): # print(‘%s is running‘ %os.getpid()) # time.sleep(2)View Code# print(‘%s is done‘ %os.getpid()) # # p = Process(target=time.sleep, args=(3,)) # # p.start() # # if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: # p=Process(target=task) # p.daemon = True #1、必須在p.start()之前 2:守護進程不能開啟子進程 # p.start() # # p.join() # print(‘主‘) # # ‘‘‘ # 舉例說明守護進程的應用場景: # 假設有兩個任務要幹,要玩出並發的效果,使用進程的話可以讓主進程 # 執行一個任務,然後開啟一個子進程執行一個任務。 # # 如果這兩個任務毫無關系,那麽就像上面這麽做就可以 # 如果主進程的任務在執行完畢後,子進程的任務沒有存在的意義了 # 那麽該子進程應該在開啟之前就被設置成守護進程 # ‘‘‘ #迷惑人的例子 #主進程代碼運行完畢,守護進程就會結束 # from multiprocessing import Process # from threading import Thread # import time # def foo(): # print(123) # time.sleep(1) # print("end123") # # def bar(): # print(456) # time.sleep(3) # print("end456") # # if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: # p1=Process(target=foo) # p2 = Process(target=bar) # # p1.daemon=True # p1.start() # p2.start() # print("main-------") #打印該行則主進程代碼結束,則守護進程p1應該被終止,可能會有p1任務執行的打印信息123,因為主進程打印main----時,p1也執行了,但是隨即被終止 # # # #守護線程:等到該進程內所有非守護線程都運行完才死掉 # from multiprocessing import Process # from threading import Thread # import os,time,random # # def task(): # # t=Thread(target=time.sleep,args=(3,)) # # t.start() # print(‘%s is running‘ %os.getpid()) # time.sleep(2) # print(‘%s is done‘ %os.getpid()) # # if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: # t=Thread(target=task) # t.daemon = True #1、必須在t.start()之前 # t.start() # # t.join() # print(‘主‘) #迷惑人的例子 #主進程代碼運行完畢,守護進程就會結束 from multiprocessing import Process from threading import Thread import time def foo(): print(123) time.sleep(1) print("end123") def bar(): print(456) time.sleep(3) print("end456") if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: t1=Thread(target=foo) t2 = Thread(target=bar) t1.daemon=True t1.start() t2.start() print("main-------") ‘‘‘ 123 456 main------- end123 end456 ‘‘‘
# 開啟之後的結果就是,守護進程是等待主進程執行完了自己的代碼之後就會掛掉,至於主進程裏面的其他的子進程就不考慮了,
# 即便那些子進程還沒有執行完成我們也不會去繼續執行了,程序到主進程執行完成後就結束了,這裏就是守護進程的作用.
# 至於他的應用場景,就是在實現並發的情況下,我們在主進程裏面需要開啟其他的進程來幫助我們執行任務,這些任務彼此之間是有關聯的,
# 我們只需要在主進程執行完後就不需要其他的子進程繼續去執行了,這個時候我們的子進程就需要被設置為守護進程
from multiprocessing import Process,Lock import os,time,random def task(mutex): mutex.acquire() print(‘%s print 1‘ %os.getpid()) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print(‘%s print 2‘ %os.getpid()) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) print(‘%s print 3‘ %os.getpid()) mutex.release() if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: # p1=Process(target=task) # p2=Process(target=task) # p3=Process(target=task) # p1.start() # p1.join() # p2.start() # p2.join() # p3.start() # p3.join() mutex=Lock() p1=Process(target=task,args=(mutex,)) p2=Process(target=task,args=(mutex,)) p3=Process(target=task,args=(mutex,)) p1.start() p2.start() p3.start()View Code
from threading import Thread,Lock import time n=100 def task(): # global n # mutex.acquire() # temp=n # time.sleep(0.1) # n=temp-1 # mutex.release() global n with mutex: temp=n time.sleep(0.1) n=temp-1 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: mutex=Lock() t_l=[] for i in range(100): t=Thread(target=task) t_l.append(t) t.start() for t in t_l: t.join() print(n)View Code
from multiprocessing import Process,Lock import json import os import time import random # import json # with open(‘db.txt‘,‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: # json.dump({‘count‘:1},f) # 在程序運行前先運行一下這上面的三行代碼 def search(): with open(‘db.txt‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: dic=json.load(f) print(‘%s 剩余票數 %s‘ %(os.getpid(),dic[‘count‘])) def get(): with open(‘db.txt‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as read_f: dic=json.load(read_f) if dic[‘count‘] > 0: dic[‘count‘]-=1 time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) #模擬手速+網速 with open(‘db.txt‘,‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as write_f: json.dump(dic,write_f) print(‘%s 搶票成功‘ %os.getpid()) def task(mutex): search() mutex.acquire() get() mutex.release() if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: # for i in range(20): # p=Process(target=task) # p.start() # p.join() mutex = Lock() for i in range(10): p = Process(target=task, args=(mutex, )) p.start()View Code
from multiprocessing import Process,Semaphore # from threading import Thread,Semaphore import time,random,os def task(sm): with sm: print(‘%s 上廁所‘ %os.getpid()) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: sm=Semaphore(3) for i in range(10): p=Process(target=task,args=(sm,)) p.start() # 這裏是信號量,它跟進程池就是多了一個鎖的概念,資源搶占,相當於是在一個公司裏有很多# 人要幹活, # 每個人的分工不同,大家平日裏都是各做各的事情,但是大家都會牽扯到使用打印機的情況,當大家都紮堆使用打印機的時候, # 這裏就牽扯到了信號量的概念,打印機只有3個,但是使用它的人卻源源不斷理解到這即可View Code
from multiprocessing import Queue #進程隊列 # q=Queue(3) # # q.put({‘a‘:1}) # q.put(‘xxxxx‘) # q.put(3) # q.put(4) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) import queue #線程隊列 #隊列 # q=queue.Queue(3) # q.put({‘a‘:1}) # q.put(‘xxxxx‘) # q.put(3) # q.put(4) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) #優先級隊列 # q=queue.PriorityQueue(3) # q.put((10,{‘a‘:1})) # q.put((-1,‘xxxxx‘)) # q.put((0,3)) # # q.put(4) # # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) #堆棧 # q=queue.LifoQueue(3) # q.put({‘a‘:1}) # q.put(‘xxxxx‘) # q.put(3) # # q.put(4) # # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get())View Code
# #pip install requests
# import requests
# from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor,ProcessPoolExecutor
# from threading import current_thread
# import time
# import os
# def get(url):
# print(‘%s GET %s‘ %(os.getpid(),url))
# response=requests.get(url)
# time.sleep(3)
# if response.status_code == 200:
# return {‘url‘:url,‘text‘:response.text}
# def parse(obj):
# res=obj.result()
# print(‘[%s] <%s> (%s)‘ % (os.getpid(), res[‘url‘],len(res[‘text‘])))
# if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
# urls = [
# ‘‘,
# ‘‘,
# ‘‘,
# ‘‘,
# ]
# # t=ThreadPoolExecutor(2)
# t=ProcessPoolExecutor(2)
# for url in urls:
# t.submit(get,url).add_done_callback(parse)
# t.shutdown(wait=True)
# print(‘主‘,os.getpid())
# ‘‘‘
# 異步調用:
# 提交完任務(為該任務綁定一個回調函數),不用再原地等任務執行完畢拿到結果,可以直接提交下一個任務
# 一個任務一旦執行完畢就會自動觸發回調函數的運行
# 回調函數的參數是單一的:
# 回調函數的參數就是它所綁定任務的返回值
# ‘‘‘
#pip install requests
import requests
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor,ProcessPoolExecutor
from threading import current_thread
import time
import os
def get(url):
print(‘%s GET %s‘ %(current_thread().getName(),url))
if response.status_code == 200:
return {‘url‘:url,‘text‘:response.text}
def parse(obj):
print(‘[%s] <%s> (%s)‘ % (current_thread().getName(), res[‘url‘],len(res[‘text‘])))
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
urls = [
for url in urls:
day 34 編程之補充內容