Suggestion in searching for a job in NZ
I bought a shirt and black colored jeans which looks like a trousers. Also she recommended prepare a speech about myself for 10-20 minutes. This speech should be about my work: what I was doing, what I have achieved and so on.
Kiwi accent(search on Youtube)
Suggestion in searching for a job in NZ
Suggestion in searching for a job in NZ
his search achieved n-n minutes user jea log youtube
ORA-23421: job number 225 is not a job in the job queue
conn uil bms delet ext roc erro declare dba_jobs 在對數據庫進行異機恢復之後,為了防止上面作業自動執行,擾亂正常業務系統,需要將測試庫上的作業和db_link進行刪除:但是使用sys用戶連接進去,刪除的時候報如下錯誤SQL
ORA-23421: job number XXXX is not a job in the job queue
檢查一個數據庫的alert日誌時,檢視一些job報錯,由於是自己的測試庫,考慮把job停止掉。但是遇到如下錯誤: [email protected]>exec DBMS_JOB.broken(275,true); BEGIN DBMS_JOB.broken(275,true); END;
Get last week date range for a date in Java
this is Java Calendar based solution Date date = new Date(); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(date); int i = c.get(Calend
TPO-14-Prepare for a career in journalism
TPO-14-Prepare for a career in journalism 第 1 段 1.Listen to a conversation between a student and his faculty adviser. 請聽一段學生和指導老師之間的對話。 第 2 段 1.Hi, Steve,
Searching for a diagnosis: how scientists are untangling the mystery of developmental disorders
Helen Firth, a clinical geneticist at Cambridge University Hospitals, has spent her career trying to help those affected by rare diseases.“Once you’ve got
Render a controller in Twig - Unexpected “render” tag - expecting closing tag for the “block” tag defined
lin ack defined for ont per -i undle control Render a controller in Twig - Unexpected “render” tag - expecting closing tag for the “block
LabelRank(A Stabilized Label Propagation Algorithm for Community Detection in Networks)非重疊社區發現
date nal zed con ati rop target lan detect 最近在研究基於標簽傳播的社區分類,LabelRank算法基於標簽傳播和馬爾科夫隨機遊走思路上改裝的算法,引用率較高,打算將代碼實現,便於加深理解。 一、概念 相關概念不再累述,詳情見前兩篇
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stack iter pro get root following sin ice nod Given a binary search tree with the following tree node definition. next points to a node‘s
A simple in-process HTTP server for UWP
orm sage not div exc note isolation server cep 原文
論文翻譯 DOTA:A Large-scale Dataset for Object Detection in Aerial Images
網絡 操作 邊框 允許 官方 靈活 數量級 image 轉化 簡介:武大遙感國重實驗室-夏桂松和華科電信學院-白翔等合作做的一個航拍圖像數據集 摘要: 目標檢測是計算機視覺領域一個重要且有挑戰性的問題。雖然過去的十幾年中目標檢測在自然場景已經有了較重要的成就
netstat -n | awk ‘/^tcp/ {++S[$NF]} END {for(a in
netstat#netstat -n | awk ‘/^tcp/ {++S[$NF]} END {for(a in S) print a, S[a]}’ netstat -n|grep ^tcp | awk ‘{++S[$NF]} END {for(a in S) print a, S[a]}’LAST_
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ins it is unknown IT ner left tle size hat 參考: 1、inner mate distance : the distance from the r
[LeetCode] 34. Search for a Range 搜索一個範圍(Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array)
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Org.Hibernate.AnnotationException: No Identifier Specified For Entity I don't have a id in my table
程式執行報錯:Org.Hibernate.AnnotationException: No Identifier Specified For Entity I don't have a id in my table Entity中@Id導包導錯 應該是 import ja
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread. (Parent is QNetworkAccessManager(0x17d16c88), parent's thread is QThre
摘要:對話序列有利於提高數字助手(可以理解為手機的siri,微軟小冰等)的能力,我們探索了神經網路語言模型模擬數字助手的對話。我們提出的結果可以有效刻畫對話特徵,在識別率上相對提高了%4. 1. 不同於其他領域的語音識別,數字助手主要為對話形式的。所以應該建立一個
AFLW:Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild: A large-scale, real-world database for facial landmark
簡單翻譯了一下AFLW的論文(解釋說明書)。 AFLW是一個人臉庫,一共有25993張人臉影象,它最突出的特點是在人臉關鍵點上定位了21個點,更容易被檢測。其次圖片質量比較高,不僅僅是室內,還有室外,側臉等難於檢測的情況都涵蓋在它的人臉庫中。 AFLW提供alw.sqlite,資料
python裡面的幾個用法,not in,c if a else b,[fun(a) for a in [...]] , a,b=b,a,'內容'.join([string array])
1.not in >>> a=2 >>> a not in [2,3,4] False >>> a in [2,3,4] 2. c if a else b #這裡注意,一定要有b,而且b不