leetcode 單鏈表相關題目匯總
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-01-01
random copy list 插入排序 dup bsp 鏈表排序 reverse add tro
- leetcode-19-Remove Nth From End of List—移除鏈表中倒數第n個元素
- leetcode-21-Merge Two Sorted Lists—兩個已排序鏈表歸並
- leetcode-23-Merge k Sorted Lists—k個已排序鏈表歸並
- leetcode-24-Swap Nodes in Pairs—鏈表中元素兩兩一組交換
- leetcode-25-Reverse Nodes in K-Group—鏈表中元素k個一組逆序
- leetcode-61-Rotate List—鏈表中元素循環旋轉問題
- leetcode-82-Remove Duplicates from Sorted List—已排序鏈表去重
- leetcode-83-Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II—已排序鏈表去重擴展
- leetcode-86-Partition List—鏈表軸分割問題
- leetcode-92-Reverse Linked List II—鏈表逆置擴展
- leetcode-109-Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree—鏈表轉二叉搜索樹問題
- leetcode-138-Copy List with Random Pointer—帶隨機指針鏈表拷貝問題
- leetcode-141-Linked List Cycle—鏈表環問題
- leetcode-142-Linked List Cycle II—鏈表環問題擴展
- leetcode-143-Reorder List—鏈表按一定規則重排序
- leetcode-147-Insertion Sort List—鏈表插入排序
- leetcode-148-Sort List—鏈表排序
- leetcode-160-Intersection of Two Linked List—兩鏈表相交問題
- leetcode-203-Remove Linked List Elements—刪除鏈表元素
- leetcode-206-Reverse Linked List—鏈表逆置
- leetcode-234-Palindrome Linked List—判斷鏈表是否回文
- leetcode-237-Delete Node in a Linked List—鏈表中刪除元素
- leetcode-328-Odd Even Linked List—鏈表中以元素奇偶編號分割問題
- leetcode-445-Add Two Numbers II—鏈表相加擴展
leetcode 單鏈表相關題目匯總