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Overview of Amazon Web Services

save 現在 esp 定價 war bsp tun bubuko $0

1. AWS 已經有90多個服務了。

2. Six Advantages of cloud computing

a. trade captial expense for variable expens

b. beneift from massive economies of scale

c. stop guessing about capacity

d. increase speed and agility

e. stop spending money running and maintaining data centers

f. go global in minutes.

3. Types of Cloud computing

與之前的區別是AWS開始承認IaaS/PaaS/SaaS的區別,同時對Cloud/Hybrid/On-premises 做了介紹,不再只強調Cloud的一個詞了。

4. Global Infrastructure

2018.1.12日, AWS 雲在全球 18 個地理區域內運營著 49 個可用區,並宣布計劃增加巴林、中國香港特別行政區、瑞典和美國第二個 AWS GovCloud 區域這四個地區,同時再增加 12 個可用區。(超過190個國家)

6. Security and Compliance

The AWS Cloud enables a shared responsibility model.

Benefits of AWS Security: Keep your data safe, aws提供高安全性數據中心。Meet Compliance requirements。 Save money。Scale Quickly。

7. Compliance

8. EC2 SLA 99.95%

9. EC2 Dedicated instances和Dedicated Hosts 區別


Dedicated instances定價


When you launch a Dedicated Instance, we can’t use the remaining “slots” on the hardware to run instances for other AWS users. Therefore, we incur an opportunity cost when you launch a single Dedicated Instance. Put another way, if you run one Dedicated Instance on a machine that can support 10 instances, 9/10ths of the potential revenue from that machine is lost to us.

In order to keep things simple (and to keep you from wasting your time trying to figure out how many instances can run on a single piece of hardware), we add a $10/hour charge whenever you have at least one Dedicated Instance running in a Region. When figured as a per-instance cost, this charge will asymptotically approach $0 (per instance) for customers that run hundreds or thousands of instances in a Region.

這篇Blog是2011年的,現在定價為啟動dedicated實例 2$/hour.

Overview of Amazon Web Services