1. 程式人生 > >The Little Prince

The Little Prince

asto ade active win 儀表 general roi 圍巾 say

Chapter 1

  1. That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a magnificant career as a painter.
  2. I tried the experiment of showing him my Drawing Number One, which I have always kept.
  3. I would bring myself down to his level.
  • primeval adj.原始的
    • the primeval forest
  • boa constrictor n.大蟒蛇
  • prey n.獵物
    • swallow their prey whole
  • digestion n.消化
    • need for digestion
  • ponder v.思索
    • I pondered deeply
  • jungle n.熱帶叢林
    • the adventures of the jungle
  • colored adj.多彩的
    • colored pencil
  • grown-ups n.大人
  • lay aside sth 把...擱置一旁
    • to lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors
  • tiresome adj.令人厭倦的
  • at a glance 只看一眼
  • of consequence 重要的
    • with matters of consequence
  • close at hand 在近旁,在附近

Chapter 2

  1. I had scarely enough drinking water to last a week.
  2. But my drawing is certainly very much less charming than its model.
  3. My little man seemed neither to be staying uncertainly among the sands, nor to be fainting from fatigue
    , or hunger, or thirst, or fear.
  4. Nothing about him gave any suggestion of a child lost in the middle of the desert, a thousand miles from any human habitation.
  5. When a mystery is too overpowering, one dare not disobey.
  6. I took out of pocket a sheet of paper and my fountain pen.
  7. Because I was in a hurry to start taking my engine apart.
  8. So I tossed off this drawing.
  9. That is exactly the way I wanted it.
  10. That is how I made the acquaintance of the little prince.
  • mechanic n.機修工,技工
  • shipwrecked adj.遭遇海難的
    • shipwrecked sailor
  • raft n.木筏
    • on a raft
  • odd adj.奇怪的
    • an odd little voice
  • thunderstruck adj.大吃一驚的
  • blink v.眨眼
    • I blinked my eyes hard
  • portrait n.肖像畫
  • apparition n.幽靈
  • stray v.走失,迷路
  • faint v.暈倒
  • fatigue n.疲勞,勞累
  • overpowering adj.不可抗拒的
  • astounded adj.覺得驚駭的,感到震驚的
  • cumbersome adj.沈重的,笨重的
    • an elephant is very cumbersome
  • indulgently adv.寬厚的;寬容的
  • ram n.公羊
    • This is a ram.
  • horn n.犄角
    • It has horns.
  • toss off sth 輕而易舉地完成...

Chapter 3

  1. You dropped down from the sky.
  2. And he sank into a reverie, which lasted a long time.
  3. You can image how my curiosity was aroused by it.
  • peal n.轟然的笑聲
    • a lovely peal of laughter
  • irritate v.惹惱
    • which irritated me very much
  • misfortune n.不幸,厄運
  • gleam n.一絲光線
  • impenetrable adj.費解的
  • presence n.出席,儀表,風度
    • catch a gleam of light in the impenetrable mystery of his presence
  • abruptly adv.突然地
  • reverie n.幻想
    • sink into a reverie
  • contemplation n.沈思
  • queer adj.奇怪的
    • What a queer idea!
  • wander off (從本應該待的地方)離開
  • earnestly adv.誠摯地
  • hint n.少許
    • a hint of sadness

Chapter 4

  1. Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.
  2. Children should always show great forbearance toward grown-up people.
  3. To forget a friend is sad.
  4. I may become like the grown-ups who are no longer interested in anything but figures.
  5. It is hard to take up drawing again at my age.
  6. So I fumble along as best I can, not good, not bad, and I hope generally fair-to-middling.
  • telescope n.望遠鏡
    • through the telescope
  • asteroid n.行星
    • Asteroid 325
  • astronomer n.天文學家
  • Turkish n.土耳其
  • dictator n.獨裁者
  • essential adj.必要的
    • essential matters
  • rosy adj.玫瑰色的
    • rosy brick
  • shrug v.聳肩
    • shrug their shoulders
  • forbearance n.寬容,大度
    • show great forbearance
  • fairy-tale n.童話
  • grief n.悲傷
    • too much grief
  • set down 記下
    • setting down these memories
  • fumble v.摸索

Chapter 5

  1. But he made a wise comment.
  2. There is no harm in putting off a piece of work until another day.
  3. My friends, like myself, have been skirting this danger for a long time, without ever knowing it.
  4. The lesson which I pass on by this means is worth all the trouble it has cost me.
  • catastrophe n.災難
    • the catastrophe of baobabs
  • once more 再一次
  • what‘s more 而且
  • grave adj.嚴重的
    • a grave doubt
  • herd n.獸群
    • a herd of elephants
  • self-evident adj.不言而喻的,顯而易見的
  • obliged adj.必須的
    • be obliged to do sth
  • assistance n.援助,幫助
    • without any assitance
  • stetch v.伸展
    • this little seed will stretch itself.
  • timidly adv.羞怯地
  • sprout n.幼芽
    • a sprout of radish
  • radish n.小蘿蔔
  • sprig n.小枝
  • infest vt.大批出現,成群出沒
    • the soil of that planet was infested with them.
  • bore vi.挖洞;鉆孔
    • it bores clear through it with its roots
  • discipline n.訓練;學科;紀律;符合行為準則的行為
  • pull up 從土裏拔出來
  • rosebush n.玫瑰叢
  • tedious adj.單調乏味的
    • It is very tedious work
  • maralist n.道德家
  • break through 突破...
    • break through my reserve
  • reserve n.矜持,內向

Chapter 6

  1. For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset.
  2. one loves the sunset, when one is so bad.
  • twilight n.黃昏
  • videotape n.錄像帶
  • space suit n.太空服
  • vacuum n.真空
  • explode v.爆炸
  • marvel n.奇跡
  • astronaut n.宇航員
  • shuttle v.n.穿梭
    • space shuttle mission
  • insulation n.隔離
    • this thick insulation
  • radiation n.輻射
  • inflatable adj.可膨脹的;可充氣的
  • layer n.層;層次
    • durable layers
  • ventilation n.空氣流通
  • sophisticated adj.復雜的,精致的

Chapter 7

  1. The little prince never let go of a question, once he had asked it.
  2. Flowers have thorns just for spite!
  3. I answered you with the first thing that came into my head.
  4. He tossed his golden curls in the breeze.
  5. I am busy with matteres of consequence.
  6. His face turned from white to red as he continued.
  • thanks to 幸虧..., 由於...
  • meditation n.深思
    • silent meditation
  • thorn n.刺
    • Even flowers that have thorns?
  • unscrew v.擰開,旋出
  • bolt n.螺栓
    • unscrew a bolt
  • breakdown n.崩潰;故障
    • the breakdown of my plane
  • spite n.惡意
    • just for spite
  • flash v.使發光
    • flash back 憤怒回答
  • resentfulness n.憤恨
  • naive adj.幼稚的,天真的
  • hammer n.鐵錘
  • grease n.潤滑油
  • relentlessly adv.不停地
  • curl v.n.彎曲;鬢發
  • breeze n.微風
  • swell v.增強;腫脹;膨脹
    • swell up with pride 洋洋自得
  • mushroom n.蘑菇;蘑菇型草帽;暴發戶
  • rage n.狂怒
    • with rage
  • warfare n.戰爭
  • blossom n.花
  • rock v.搖晃
  • choke v.阻止;哽咽
  • sob v.n.嗚咽;啜泣
  • muzzle n.動物的口套
  • railing n.圍欄
  • awkward adj.令人尷尬的;笨拙的
  • blundering adj.愚蠢的
  • overtake v.趕上

Chapter 8

  1. They had only one ring of petals.
  2. They were a trouble to nobody.
  3. It was only in the full radiance of her beauty that she wished to appear.
  4. But the little prince could not restrain his admiration.
  5. She began very quickly to torment him with her vanity.
  6. This flower is a very complex creature.
  7. But I did not know how to take pleasure in all her grace.
  8. I ought to have guessed all the affection that lay behind her poor little stratagems.
  • petal n.花瓣
    • one ring of petals
  • shrub n.灌木
  • bud n.花蕾
    • a huge bud
  • miraculous adj.不可思議的
  • emerge v.出現
    • emerge from it
  • chamber n.房,室
    • her green chamber
  • rumple vt.弄皺,使淩亂
    • rumpled adj.皺的
  • radiance n.光彩
    • in the radiance of her beauty
  • coquettish adj.賣弄風情的
    • a coquettish creature
  • adornment n.裝扮
    • her mysterious adornment
  • painstaking adj.費盡心思的
    • with all this painstaking precision
  • disarranged v.弄亂
  • restrain v.抑制
    • restrain his admiration
  • abashed adj.尷尬的
    • embarrassed adj.尷尬的
  • tend v.照顧,照料
    • He tended the flower.
  • torment v.使痛苦;折磨
    • to torment him with their vanity
  • claw n.爪子
    • Let the tigers come with their claws.
  • horror n.恐懼
    • a horror of drafts 害怕對流風
  • globe n.球狀物
    • a glass globe 一個球形的玻璃
  • verge n.邊緣
    • on the verge of such a naive untruth 在一個謊言的邊緣
  • remorse n.懊悔
    • suffer from remorse.
  • confide v.吐露
    • confide to sb
  • fragrance n.芳香
    • One should simply breathe their fragrance.
  • inconsistent adj.不連續的
    • Flowers are so inconsistent. * stratagem n.小花招 * her poor little stratagems

Chapter 9

  1. I believe that for his escape he took advantage of the migration of a flock of wild birds.
  2. He possessed two active volcanoes; and they were very convenient for heating his breakfast in the morning.
  3. Volcanic eruption are like fires in a chimney.
  4. On this last morning all these familiar tasks seemed very precious to him.
  5. I ask your forgiveness, Try to be happy...
  6. He was suprised by this absence of reproaches.
  7. "Of course I love you," the flower said to him. "It is my fault that you have not known it all the while. That is of no importance. But you -- you have been just as foolish as I. Try to be happy...
  8. Don‘t linger like this. You have decided to go away.
  • flock n.群
    • a flock of birds
  • extinct adj.(火山)死的
  • chimney n.煙囪
    • fire in a chimney * shoot n.幼苗,嫩芽
  • reproach n.責備
  • bewilder v.使困惑
  • caterpillar n.毛毛蟲
  • linger v.磨蹭,流連
  • call upon sb 拜訪某人

Chapter 10

  1. It is contrary to etiquette to yawn in the presence of a king.
  2. I forbid you to do so.
  3. He sputtered a little, and seemed vexed.
  4. Over what do you rule ?
  5. The king made a gesture, which took in his planet, the other planets, and all the stars.
  6. I do not permit insubordination.
  7. Because he felt a bit sad as he remembered his little planet which he had forsake, heplucked up his courage to ask the king a favor.
  8. Accepted authority rests first of all on reason.
  9. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom.
  • Clad adj.穿...衣服的
    • Clad in royal purple
  • mantle n.鬥篷
  • Sire n.陛下
  • majestic adj.宏偉的
  • majestically adv.威嚴地
  • consumingly adv.強烈地
  • crammed adj.塞滿某物的
    • The entire planet was crammed.
  • obstruct v.妨礙
  • murmur v.嘟囔
    • murmured the little prince
  • sputter v.語無倫次地說
  • vexed adj.生氣的
    • He sputtered a little, and seemed vexed. * general n.將軍
  • hasten v.急忙
  • hastily adv.匆忙地
  • assure v.使確信
    • The king hastened to assure him.
  • insubordination n.不服從
  • marvel v.驚嘆
  • forsake v.放棄,拋棄
  • pluck v.拔出
    • pluck up one‘s courage 鼓起勇氣
  • bulky adj.龐大的
  • rest on 以...為基礎
  • minister n.大臣;特使
  • condem v.給...判刑
    • condem sb to death 判某人死刑
  • thrift n.節儉
    • thriftily adv.節約的
  • grieve v.使悲傷
    • grieve the old monarch
    • grief n.悲傷

Chapter 11

  1. To conceited men, all other men are admirers.
  2. Conceited people never hear anything but praise.
  • conceited adj.自負的
    • a conceited man
  • salute n.敬禮
    • a hat for salute
    • raise his hat in salute
  • acclaim v.為...喝彩
    • acclaim sb
  • monotony n.單調
    • be tired of the game‘s montony

Chapter 12

  1. The next planet was inhabited by a tippler.
  2. This was a very short visit, but it plunged the little prince into deep dejection.
  • tippler n.酒鬼
  • plunge v.使陷入
    • plunge ... into ...
  • dejection n.憂郁;沮喪
  • lugubrious adj.陰郁的
    • with a lugubrious air
  • confess v.承認
  • impregnable adj.堅不可摧的
    • in an impregnable silence

Chapter 13

  1. Your cigarette has gone out.
  2. I have no time for loafing.
  3. There was no hope of being left in peace until he answered this question.
  4. Little glittering objects.
  5. There is no time for idle dreaming in my life.
  6. Kings do not own, they reign over.
  7. Then they belong to me, because I was the first person to think of it.
  8. When you get an idea before anyone else, you take out a patent on it.
  9. On matters of consequence, the little prince had ideas which were very different from those of the grown-ups.
  10. The businessman opened his mouth, but he found nothing to say in answer.
  • balderdash n.胡言亂語
  • giddy adj.頭暈的
  • goose n.鵝;傻瓜
  • resound v.回響
    • The noise resounded all over the place.
  • rheumatism n.風濕病
  • loaf v.閑逛,虛度光陰
  • glittering adj.閃光的
    • glittering objects
  • idle adj.虛度的
    • idle dream
  • reign v.統治
    • reign over 統治
  • nevertheless adv.盡管如此
  • retort v.反駁
  • peevishly adv.氣惱地
  • diamond n.鉆石
  • patent n.專利權
  • pluck v.拉,拽;鼓起;n.勇氣,精神
  • poetic adj.有詩意的

Chapter 14

  1. When he lights his street lamp, it is as if he brought one more star to life, or one flower.
  2. When he puts out his lamp, he sends the flower, or the star, to sleep.
  3. From year to year the planet has turned more rapidly and the orders have not been changed.
  4. I no longer have a single second for repose.
  5. It is not funny at all.
  6. That man would be scorned by all the others.
  • absurd adj.荒謬的;雜亂無章的
  • mop v.擦拭
  • handkerchief n.圍巾
  • square n.方形
    • Then he mopped his forehead with a handkerchief decorated with red squares.
  • profession n.職業
    • I follow a terrible profession.
  • tragedy n.悲劇
    • That is the tragedy.
  • repose n.休息
    • response n.反應,回答
  • go by (時間)逝去
    • While we have been talking together a month has gone by.
  • stride n.大步
    • three stride 三大步
  • strike vt.罷工;攻擊
  • scorn v.鄙視
    • be scorned by sb
  • ridiculous adj.可笑的;荒謬的;愚蠢的
  • confess v.承認,坦白
  • bless v.祝福
    • be blessed with 有幸擁有...

Chapter 15

  1. The flower is the most beautiful thing on my planet!
  2. Is my flower in danger of speedy disappearance ?
  3. My Flower is ephemeral.
  4. That was his first moment of regret.
  5. But he took courage once more.
  • voluminous adj.長篇幅的
    • voluminous book
  • pant v.喘氣
    • The Little Prince panted a little.
  • stately adj.雄偉的
    • the magnificent and stately planet
  • recall v.回想
    • recollection n.回憶
  • intoxicated adj.喝醉的
    • a intoxicated man
  • stir v.激起
    • The geographer was suddenly stirred to excitement.
  • recital n.敘述,口頭描述
    • The recital of sth
  • ephemeral adj.轉瞬即逝的
  • eternal adj.永恒的
  • speedy adj.快速的
    • speedy disappearance

The Little Prince