1. 程式人生 > >StreamingListener記錄(spark-2.2.0)


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記錄spark streaming 中監聽器StreamingListener的相關信息


    StreamingListener 是針對spark streaming的各個階段的事件監聽機制
//需要監聽spark streaming中各個階段的事件只需實現這個特質中對應的事件函數即可
trait StreamingListener {

  /** Called when the streaming has been started */
  /** streaming 啟動的事件 */
  def onStreamingStarted(streamingStarted: StreamingListenerStreamingStarted) { }

  /** Called when a receiver has been started */
  /** 接收啟動事件 */
  def onReceiverStarted(receiverStarted: StreamingListenerReceiverStarted) { }

  /** Called when a receiver has reported an error */
  def onReceiverError(receiverError: StreamingListenerReceiverError) { }

  /** Called when a receiver has been stopped */
  def onReceiverStopped(receiverStopped: StreamingListenerReceiverStopped) { }

  /** Called when a batch of jobs has been submitted for processing. */
  /** 每個批次提交的事件 */
  def onBatchSubmitted(batchSubmitted: StreamingListenerBatchSubmitted) { }

  /** Called when processing of a batch of jobs has started.  */
  /** 每個批次啟動的事件 */
  def onBatchStarted(batchStarted: StreamingListenerBatchStarted) { }

  /** Called when processing of a batch of jobs has completed. */
  /** 每個批次完成的事件  */
  def onBatchCompleted(batchCompleted: StreamingListenerBatchCompleted) { }

  /** Called when processing of a job of a batch has started. */
  def onOutputOperationStarted(
      outputOperationStarted: StreamingListenerOutputOperationStarted) { }

  /** Called when processing of a job of a batch has completed. */
  def onOutputOperationCompleted(
      outputOperationCompleted: StreamingListenerOutputOperationCompleted) { }
package z.cloud.test.listener

class MyTestStreamingListener(ssc : StreamingContext) extends StreamingListener with Logging{

  override def onBatchCompleted(batchCompleted: StreamingListenerBatchCompleted): Unit = {
    val batchInfo = batchCompleted.batchInfo
    val execTime = batchInfo.processingDelay.getOrElse(0L)
    val schedulingTime = batchInfo.schedulingDelay.getOrElse(0L)
    logInfo(s"執行時間: $execTime 調度延時 : $schedulingTime")

object My{
    def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
        val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
        val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf,Seconds(20))
        ssc.addStreamingListener(new MyTestStreamingListener(ssc))

