1. 程式人生 > >Shift - And字符串快速處理 hdu5972+cf

Shift - And字符串快速處理 hdu5972+cf

name ant for nsis letter substring 出現 || names






Regular Number

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1650 Accepted Submission(s): 450

Problem Description Using regular expression to define a numeric string is a very common thing. Generally, use the shape as follows:
(0|9|7) (5|6) (2) (4|5)
Above regular expression matches 4 digits:The first is one of 0,9 and 7. The second is one of 5 and 6. The third is 2. And the fourth is one of 4 and 5. The above regular expression can be successfully matched to 0525, but it cannot be matched to 9634.
Now,giving you a regular expression like the above formula,and a long string of numbers,please find out all the substrings of this long string that can be matched to the regular expression.
Input It contains a set of test data.The first line is a positive integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1000),on behalf of the regular representation of the N bit string.In the next N lines,the first integer of the i-th line is ai
,representing that the i-th position of regular expression has ai numbers to be selected.Next there are ai numeric characters. In the last line,there is a numeric string.The length of the string is not more than 5 * 10^6.

Output Output all substrings that can be matched by the regular expression. Each substring occupies one line
Sample Input 4 3 0 9 7 2 5 7 2 2 5 2 4 5 09755420524
Sample Output 9755 7554 0524
Source 2016ACM/ICPC亞洲區大連站-重現賽(感謝大連海事大學)
<bitset> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; bitset<1008>M[10],S; char s[5000008]; int main(){ int n,t,x; while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF){ for(int i=0;i<10;++i) M[i].reset(); S.reset(); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) { for(scanf("%d",&t);t--;){ scanf(
"%d",&x); M[x].set(i); } } scanf("%s",s); for(int i=0;s[i];++i) { S<<=1; S.set(1); S&=M[s[i]-0]; if(S[n]==1) { char tmp=s[i+1]; s[i+1]=0; puts(s+i-n+1); s[i+1]=tmp; } } } }

F. Substrings in a String time limit per test 6 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output

Given a string s, process q queries, each having one of the following forms:

  • 1?i?c — Change the i-th character in the string to c.
  • 2?l?r?y — Consider the substring of s starting at position l and ending at position r. Output the number of times y occurs as a substring in it.

The first line of the input contains the string s (1?≤?|s|?≤?105) of lowercase English letters.

The second line contains an integer q (1?≤?q?≤?105) — the number of queries to process.

The next q lines describe the queries and may have one of the following forms:

  • 1?i?c (1?≤?i?≤?|s|)
  • 2?l?r?y (1?≤?l?≤?r?≤?|s|)

c is a lowercase English letter and y is a non-empty string consisting of only lowercase English letters.

The sum of |y| over all queries of second type is at most 105.

It is guaranteed that there is at least one query of second type.

All strings are 1-indexed.

|s| is the length of the string s.


For each query of type 2, output the required answer in a separate line.

Examples Input
2 1 7 aba
1 5 c
2 1 7 aba
2 1 7 bc
1 4 b
2 4 7 bc
1 2 a
2 1 4 aa
#define ll long long
using namespace std;
const int maxn=100010, inf=1e9;
int n, ty, l, r, x;
bitset<maxn>v[26], ans;
char s[maxn], s2[maxn], c;
inline void read(int &k)
    int f=1; k=0; char c=getchar();
    while(c<0 || c>9) c==-&&(f=-1), c=getchar();
    while(c<=9 && c>=0) k=k*10+c-0, c=getchar();
} 1
int main()
    scanf("%s", s+1); int len=strlen(s+1);
    for(int i=1;i<=len;i++) v[s[i]-a][i]=1;
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
            read(x); scanf("%c", &c);
            read(l); read(r);
            scanf("%s", s2); int m=strlen(s2);
            if(r-l+1<m) {puts("0"); continue;}
            for(int j=0;j<m;j++) ans&=(v[s2[j]-a]>>j); 
            printf("%d\n", (int)(ans>>(l)).count()-(int)(ans>>(r-m+2)).count());

Shift - And字符串快速處理 hdu5972+cf