Failed to complete obtain psql count Master gp_segment_configuration Script Exiti
問題: 在初始化過程中,如到以下問題:
gpadmin-[FATAL]:-Failed to complete obtain psql count Master gp_segment_configuration Script Exiting!
Script has left Greenplum Database in an incomplete state
echo "RemoveIPC=no" >> /etc/systemd/logind.conf
/bin/systemctl restart systemd-logind.service
這個解決方案在Ubuntu greenplum-db-oss 5.4.1 場景下一樣可用
Failed to complete obtain psql count Master gp_segment_configuration Script Exiti
Failed to complete obtain psql count Master gp_segment_configuration Script Exiti
nco mas ech 初始化 tin led state blog 5.4 問題: 在初始化過程中,如到以下問題: gpadmin-[FATAL]:-Failed to complete obtain psql count Master gp_segment_confi
[FATAL]:-Failed to complete obtain psql count Master gp_segment_configuration Script Exiting!
在使用 gpinitsystem 初始化系統時報如下錯誤 20190110:09:44:27:018010 gpinitsystem:mas:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Start Function ERROR_CHK 20190110:09:44:27:018010 gpini
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[node-2] failed to send join request to master [{node-1}{WbcP0pC_T32jWpYvu5is1A}{2_LCVHx1QEaBZYZ7XQEkMg}{}{
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要知道 一個 function 需要執行多少個 ms, 用下面的程式就可以了,滿方便的。 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); doReallyLongThing(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMil
github中git push origin master出錯:error: failed to push some refs to
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Spark Worker: Failed to connect to master master:7077
slave2 不能工作,失去聯絡 16/08/27 16:09:40 WARN Worker: Failed to connect to master master:7077 Failed to connect to master: