1. 程式人生 > >ONLYOFFICE歷史版本功能的開發


onlyoffice 文檔協作 engineercms golang beego




上面介紹了onlyoffice document server所包含的功能,

The client side includes:

  • Document manager - the list of the documents displayed in the user browser where the user can select the necessary document and perform some actions with it (depending on the provided rights, the user can open the document to view it or edit, share the document with other users).

  • Document editor - the document viewing and editing interface with all the most known document editing features available, used as a medium between the user and the document editing service.

The server side includes:

  • Document storage service - the server service which stores all the documents available to the users with the appropriate access rights. It provides the document IDs and links to these documents to the document manager

    which the user sees in the browser.

  • Document editing service - the server service which allows to perform the document viewing and editing (in case the user has the appropriate rights to do that). The document editor interface is used to access all the document editing service features.

  • Document command service

    - the server service which allows to perfom additional commands with document editing service.

  • Document conversion service - the server service which allows to convert the document file into the appropriate Office Open XML format (docx for text documents, xlsx for spreadsheets and pptx for presentations) for their editing or downloading.

Please note, that ONLYOFFICE Document Server includes the document editor, document editing service, document command service and document conversion service. The document manager and document storage service are either included to Community Server or must be implemented by the software integrators who use ONLYOFFICE Document Server on their own server.

請註意,onlyoffice document server包括document editor, document editing service, document command service(文檔編輯器、文檔編輯服務、文檔命令服務和文檔轉換服務)。文檔管理器文檔存儲服務要麽包含在社區服務器上,要麽必須由在自己的服務器上僅使用office文檔服務器的軟件集成商實現。






回到正題,歷史版本的開發必須從onlyoffice document server的返回值裏找到數據結構。

[html] view plain copy

  1. {

  2. "key":"1520696086733383100",

  3. "status":2,

  4. "url":"

  5. t.docx/output.docx?md5=CSBXuCfKbp1zaA2C-IoB2g==&expires=1523288157&

  6. disposition=attachment&ooname=output.docx",

  7. "changesurl":"

  8. 1520696086733383100_1849/changes.zip/changes.zip?

  9. md5=eQOOXry8Spob255EtEi7QA==&expires=1523288157&

  10. disposition=attachment&ooname=output.zip",

  11. "history":{

  12. "serverVersion":"5.0.7",

  13. "changes":[

  14. {

  15. "created":"2018-03-10 15:34:57",

  16. "user":

  17. {

  18. "id":"9",

  19. "name":"qin.xc"

  20. }

  21. },

  22. {

  23. "created":"2018-03-10 15:35:29",

  24. "user":

  25. {

  26. "id":"8",

  27. "name":"qin8.xc"

  28. }

  29. }

  30. ]

  31. },

  32. "users":["8"],

  33. "actions":[{"type":0,"userid":"9"}],

  34. "lastsave":"2018-03-10T15:35:37.823Z",

  35. "notmodified":false

  36. }


Sample of JSON object sent to the "callbackUrl" address by document editing service when the user changed the document and closed it for editing

[html] view plain copy

  1. {

  2. "actions": [{"type": 0, "userid": "78e1e841"}],

  3. "changesurl": "https://documentserver/url-to-changes.zip",

  4. "history": {

  5. "changes": changes,

  6. "serverVersion": serverVersion

  7. },

  8. "key": "Khirz6zTPdfd7",

  9. "status": 2,

  10. "url": "https://documentserver/url-to-edited-document.docx",

  11. "users": ["6d5a81d0"]

  12. }


[plain] view plain copy

  1. type Callback struct {

  2. Key string `json:"key"`

  3. Status int `json:"status"`

  4. Url string `json:"url"`

  5. Changesurl string `json:"changesurl"`

  6. History history1 `json:"history"`

  7. Users []string `json:"users"`

  8. Actions []action `json:"actions"`

  9. Lastsave string `json:"lastsave"`

  10. Notmodified bool `json:"notmodified"`

  11. }

  12. type action struct {

  13. Type int `json:"type"`

  14. Userid string `json:"userid"`

  15. }

  16. type history1 struct {

  17. ServerVersion string `json:"serverVersion"`

  18. Changes []change `json:"changes"`

  19. }

  20. type change struct {

  21. Created string `json:"created"` //time.Time

  22. User User1 `json:"user"`

  23. }

  24. type User1 struct {

  25. Id string `json:"id"` //必須大寫才能在tpl中顯示{{.json}}

  26. Name string `json:"name"`

  27. }
