1. 程式人生 > >openstack policy 鑒權過程分析

openstack policy 鑒權過程分析

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1. openstack 鑒權簡單介紹


"compute:create": "",                                              
"compute:create:attach_network": "",
"compute:create:attach_volume": "",
"compute:create:forced_host": "is_admin:True",
"compute:get_all": "",
"compute:get_all_tenants": "",
"compute:start": "rule:admin_or_owner",
"compute:stop": "rule:admin_or_owner",
"compute:unlock_override": "rule:admin_api",

result: 表示這條rule的判定結果或者如何進行判定,比如"compute:create:forced_host":"is_admin:True",如果執行此操作的用戶具有admin角色(role),則這條結果的判定結果就是True。
另外,rule是可以嵌套的,比如"compute:stop": "rule:admin_or_owner",表示compute:stop這條規則的結果為admin_or_owner這條規則的結果,而admin_or_owner規則如下:

"admin_or_owner": "is_admin:True or project_id:%(project_id)s",


2. policy鑒權代碼分析

=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.STOPPED], task_state=[None]) def resize(self, context, instance, flavor_id=None, **extra_instance_updates):

check_policy(context, action, target, scope=‘compute‘)函數有四個參數:
(1) context: 執行resize操作的上下文,其內容包括project_id, user_id, role,auth_token等信息,具體如下:


(2) action:表示當前執行的操作是啥,這裏就是resize
(3) target:操作針對的object是啥,這裏就是instance id
(4) scope:當前操作的作用域是啥,主要為了與policy文件中定義的作用域匹配,這裏為compute,即nova執行的操作

def check_policy(context, action, target, scope=compute):
        _action = %s:%s % (scope, action)  ##這裏拼接成policy.json的rule,即_action=compute:resize
        nova.policy.enforce(context, _action, target) 
    def enforce(context, action, target, do_raise=True):
        """Verifies that the action is valid on the target in this context.

           :param context: nova context
           :param action: string representing the action to be checked
               this should be colon separated for clarity.
               i.e. ``compute:create_instance``,
           :param target: dictionary representing the object of the action
               for object creation this should be a dictionary representing the
               location of the object e.g. ``{project_id: context.project_id}``
           :param do_raise: if True (the default), raises PolicyNotAuthorized;
               if False, returns False

           :raises nova.exception.PolicyNotAuthorized: if verification fails
               and do_raise is True.

           :return: returns a non-False value (not necessarily "True") if
               authorized, and the exact value False if not authorized and
               do_raise is False.
        init()   ##policy.json被cache到cache_info數據結構中,init()函數就是去檢查policy.json是否已經被加載或修改過,如果cache_info結構為空,說明policy.json還沒有加載過,則執行加載;如果policy.json被修改過,也會重新進行加載

        credentials = context.to_dict()  ##將context轉化成dictonary,就是上面context給出的內容,以便後面代碼使用

        # Add the exception arguments if asked to do a raise
        extra = {}
        if do_raise:
            extra.update(exc=exception.PolicyNotAuthorized, action=action)  ##增加no auth hook函數,即如果rule的結果為False,則執行no auth hook函數做一些處理

        return policy.check(action, target, credentials, **extra)  ##進行policy的check
def init():
    global _POLICY_PATH
    global _POLICY_CACHE
    if not _POLICY_PATH:
        _POLICY_PATH = CONF.policy_file
        if not os.path.exists(_POLICY_PATH):
            _POLICY_PATH = CONF.find_file(_POLICY_PATH)
        if not _POLICY_PATH:
            raise exception.ConfigNotFound(path=CONF.policy_file)
    utils.read_cached_file(_POLICY_PATH, _POLICY_CACHE,
                           reload_func=_set_rules) ##加載policy.json文件

def read_cached_file(filename, cache_info, reload_func=None):
    """Read from a file if it has been modified.

    :param cache_info: dictionary to hold opaque cache.
    :param reload_func: optional function to be called with data when
                        file is reloaded due to a modification.

    :returns: data from file

    mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename)  ###獲取policy.json文件的modify time,如果與cache_info中的mtime不同,則說明文件被修改過,則執行重新加載
    if not cache_info or mtime != cache_info.get(mtime):
        LOG.debug(_("Reloading cached file %s") % filename)
        with open(filename) as fap:
            cache_info[data] = fap.read()
        cache_info[mtime] = mtime
        if reload_func:
    return cache_info[data]            ###返回加載後的policy.json文件的內容
def check(rule, target, creds, exc=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Checks authorization of a rule against the target and credentials.

    :param rule: The rule to evaluate.
    :param target: As much information about the object being operated
                   on as possible, as a dictionary.
    :param creds: As much information about the user performing the
                  action as possible, as a dictionary.
    :param exc: Class of the exception to raise if the check fails.
                Any remaining arguments passed to check() (both
                positional and keyword arguments) will be passed to
                the exception class. If exc is not provided, returns

    :return: Returns False if the policy does not allow the action and
             exc is not provided; otherwise, returns a value that
             evaluates to True. Note: for rules using the "case"
             expression, this True value will be the specified string
             from the expression.

    # Allow the rule to be a Check tree
    if isinstance(rule, BaseCheck):
        result = rule(target, creds)
    elif not _rules:
        # No rules to reference means were going to fail closed
        result = False
            # Evaluate the rule
            result = _rules[rule](target, creds)  ##沒一條rule執行一個函數,這個對應關系記錄在全局變量_rules
        except KeyError:
            # If the rule doesnt exist, fail closed
            result = False

    # If it is False, raise the exception if requested
    if exc and result is False:
        raise exc(*args, **kwargs)

    return result

3. 總結

openstack policy 鑒權過程分析