1. 程式人生 > >awk記錄-1



a. 準備工作 marks.txt 本文件有4列
1)    Amit     Physics    80
2)    Rahul    Maths      90
3)    Shyam    Biology    87
4)    Kedar    English    85
5)    Hari     History    89

marks2.txt 本文件有部分列有5列

1)    Andy     Physics    80
2)    Jacky    Maths      90    10
3)    Hill    Biology    87
4)    John    English    85 12
5)    Mary     History

b. 樣例

  • (1).文本加標題行 "序號 姓名 科目 分數" 顯示:
    >awk ‘BEGIN {printf "序號\t姓名\t科目\t分數\n"} {print}‘ marks.txt 
    序號  姓名  科目  分數
    1)    Amit     Physics    80
    2)    Rahul    Maths      90
    3)    Shyam    Biology    87
    4)    Kedar    English    85
    5)    Hari     History    89
  • (2).執行awk腳本:將單引號內的腳本寫到一個文件,然後通過 -f
    > cat command.awk 
    BEGIN {printf "序號\t姓名\t科目\t分數\n"} {print}

awk -f command.awk marks.txt
序號 姓名 科目 分數
1) Amit Physics 80
2) Rahul Maths 90
3) Shyam Biology 87
4) Kedar English 85
5) Hari History 89

- (3). `-v`聲明一個變量的值,BEGIN前分配 

awk -v user=root ‘BEGIN{printf "name=%s\n", user}‘ `


- (4).  計算:   + - * / %

awk ‘BEGIN {a=52; b=50; print "a%b=", (a%b)}‘ `
a%b= 2

- (5).  BEGIN END 定義變量a,在處理行的過程中增加(可以與行內的內容進行計算),END時輸出:(計算總分數)

awk ‘BEGIN { sumScore = 0; printf "總分數sumScore = %d\n", a } {sumScore=sumScore+$NF;print} END{print ">總分數sumScore=",sumScore}‘ marks.txt`
總分數sumScore = 0
1) Amit Physics 80
2) Rahul Maths 90
3) Shyam Biology 87
4) Kedar English 85
5) Hari History 89
總分數sumScore= 431


awk內置變量: NR FNR NF

NR = Number of Records
NF = Number of Fields
FNR = File Number of Records
下面摘自: The GNU Awk User’s Guide

awk divides the input for your program into records and fields. It keeps track of the number of records that have been read so far from the current input file. This value is stored in a predefined variable called FNR, which is reset to zero every time a new file is started. Another predefined variable, NR, records the total number of input records read so far from all data files. It starts at zero, but is never automatically reset to zero.
The value of the built-in variable NF is the number of fields in the current record.


FNR 該值存儲在一個名為FNR的預定義變量中,每啟動一個新文件時,該變量將重置為零。【每行的行號-單個文件

NR 另一個預定義變量NR記錄從所有數據文件中讀取的輸入記錄總數。 它從零開始,但 從不 自動重置為零。【每行的行號-全部文件

NF 內置變量NF的值是當前記錄中的字段數。在執行塊中$NF可以得到當前行末字段的值

  • (6). 打印全局行號 當前行號 行內列數 行末字段值
    > awk ‘BEGIN{print "全局行號\t當前行號\t行內列數\t行末字段值"} {print NR,"\t", FNR,"\t", NF,"\t", $NF}‘ marks.txt marks2.txt

全局行號 當前行號 行內列數 行末字段值
1 1 4 80
2 2 4 90
3 3 4 87
4 4 4 85
5 5 4 89
6 1 4 80
7 2 5 10
8 3 4 87
9 4 5 12
10 5 3 History

