Matlab繪圖基礎——用print函數保存圖片(Print figure or save to file)
1.1. 分辨率-rnumber
1.2. 輸出圖片的“格式”formats
2.1. 設置輸出圖片的“圖像縱橫比”
2.2. Batch Processing(圖片保存“批處理”)filename
1.2. 輸出圖片的“格式”formats
1.1. 分辨率-rnumber
Use -rnumber to specify the resolution of the generated output.
To set the resolution(分辨率) of the output file for a built-in MATLAB format, use the -r switch.
l For example, -r300 sets the output resolution to 300 dots per inch(每英寸300個點)
The –r switch is also supported for Windows Enhanced Metafiles
l For more information, see Printing and Exporting without a DisplayandResolution Considerations.
—— 來自matlab幫助“print”頁中
1.2. 輸出圖片的“格式”formats
% Save the figure with the handle h to a PostScript file named Figure1, which can be printed later.
H = figure; % 指定圖片打印figure_handles
% 若沒有figure_handle,則默認print當前顯示圖片
print(h,‘-dpng‘,‘-r200‘,‘Figure1‘) % 這三行代碼就夠用了
2.1. 設置輸出圖片的“圖像縱橫比”
When you set the axes Position to [0 0 1 1] so that it fills the entire figure, the aspect ratio is not preserved when you print because MATLAB printing software adjusts the figure size when printing according to the figure‘s PaperPositionproperty. To preserve the image aspect ratio(圖像縱橫比) when printing, set the figure‘s ‘PaperPositionMode‘ to ‘auto‘ from the command line.
% Setting the current figure‘s (gcf) PaperPositionMode to auto enables
% you to resize the figure window and print it at the size you see on the screen.
surf(peaks);shading interp % 畫圖,shading使圖像美觀
axis off % 不顯示坐標軸
set(gcf,‘PaperPositionMode‘,‘auto‘); % 設置圖像縱橫比
print(‘-dpng‘,‘-r200‘,‘a‘); % 保存圖片,名為a
——來自matlab幫助 Printing Images
2.2. Batch Processing(圖片保存“批處理”)filename
You can use the function form of print to pass variables containing file names. For example, this for loop uses file names stored in a cell array to create a series of graphs and prints each one with a different file name:
fnames = {‘file1‘, ‘file2‘, ‘file3‘};
for k=1:length(fnames)
surf(peaks);shading interp
print(‘-dtiff‘,‘-r600‘,fnames{k}) % fnames is a cell of string arrays so each element is a string
註:如果你不能調整輸出分辨率和文件格式,可能是"Printing and Exporting without a Display"問題,具體查看幫助“print”頁
1.2. 輸出圖片的“格式”formats
The following table shows the supported output formats for exporting from figures and the switch settings to use. In some cases, a format is available both as a MATLAB output filter and as a Ghostscript output filter. All formats except for EMF are supported on both Windows and UNIX platforms.
Graphics Format |
Bitmap or Vector(矢量) |
Print Command Option String |
MATLAB or Ghostscript |
BMP monochrome BMP |
Bitmap |
-dbmpmono |
Ghostscript |
BMP 24-bit BMP |
Bitmap |
-dbmp16m |
Ghostscript |
BMP 8-bit (256-color) BMP (this format uses a fixed colormap) |
Bitmap |
-dbmp256 |
Ghostscript |
BMP 24-bit |
Bitmap |
-dbmp |
Vector |
-dmeta |
EPS black and white |
Vector |
-deps |
EPS color |
Vector |
-depsc |
EPS Level 2 black and white |
Vector |
-deps2 |
EPS Level 2 color |
Vector |
-depsc2 |
HDF 24-bit |
Bitmap |
-dhdf |
ILL (Adobe Illustrator) |
Vector |
-dill |
JPEG 24-bit |
Bitmap |
-djpeg |
PBM (plain format) 1-bit |
Bitmap |
-dpbm |
Ghostscript |
PBM (raw format) 1-bit |
Bitmap |
-dpbmraw |
Ghostscript |
PCX 1-bit |
Bitmap |
-dpcxmono |
Ghostscript |
PCX 24-bit color PCX file format, three 8-bit planes |
Bitmap |
-dpcx24b |
Ghostscript |
PCX 8-bit newer color PCX file format (256-color) |
Bitmap |
-dpcx256 |
Ghostscript |
PCX Older color PCX file format (EGA/VGA, 16-color) |
Bitmap |
-dpcx16 |
Ghostscript |
PDF Color PDF file format |
Vector |
-dpdf |
Ghostscript |
PGM Portable Graymap (plain format) |
Bitmap |
-dpgm |
Ghostscript |
PGM Portable Graymap (raw format) |
Bitmap |
-dpgmraw |
Ghostscript |
PNG 24-bit |
Bitmap |
-dpng |
PPM Portable Pixmap (plain format) |
Bitmap |
-dppm |
Ghostscript |
PPM Portable Pixmap (raw format) |
Bitmap |
-dppmraw |
Ghostscript |
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics (For Simulink Models Only) |
Vector |
-dsvg |
TIFF 24-bit |
Bitmap |
-dtiff or -dtiffn |
TIFF preview for EPS files |
Bitmap |
-tiff |
Matlab繪圖基礎——用print函數保存圖片(Print figure or save to file)