20172307 2017-2018-2 《程序設計與數據結構》第6周學習總結
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-04-16
occurs 第一周 eva mage visio 二維 else ima 分享圖片
學號 2017-2018-2 《程序設計與數據結構》第6周學習總結
1.講了創建聲明數組的方法(示例: int[] height = new int[11];)和創建基本數據一樣要聲明數據的類型。
4.可變長度參數表聲明創建方式(示例:public double average(int .. list))省略號表示該方法接收的參數個數是可變的。
5.二維數組的聲明創建方式(示例:int[][] table = new int[5][10])前一個表示數組的長度也是行數,後一個表示前一個表示的行裏的列數。
- 問題1:對什麽是數組並不太清楚。
- 問題1解決方案:通過網上的一些解釋和對書本定義的重新理解得到了以下定義:數組是保存一列數據的對象。整列數據可以通過數組名引用,數組中的每個元素則可以通過其在數組中的位置進行引用。
- 問題2:對書上的“差一錯誤”理解不進去
- 問題2解決方案:通過查閱網上的解釋明白了差一錯誤屬於邏輯錯誤,由於索引值從0開始導致。
- 在進行 x +=y[];時發生錯誤
- The idea that program instructions execute in order (linearly) unless otherwise specified through a conditional statement is known as
A . boolean execution
B . conditional statements
C . try and catch
D . sequentiality
E . flow of control
程序按照條件語句順序執行叫做控制流。 - Assume that count is 0, total is 20 and max is 1. The following statement will do which of the following? if (count != 0 && total / count > max) max = total / count;
A . The condition short circuits and the assignment statement is not executed
B . The condition short circuits and the assignment statement is executed without problem
C . The condition does not short circuit causing a division by zero error
D . The condition short circuits so that there is no division by zero error when evaluating the condition, but the assignment statement causes a division by zero error
E . The condition will not compile because it uses improper syntax
由於count=0不符合if的循環條件,所以語句不會執行。 - If a break occurs within the innermost loop of a nested loop that is three levels deep
A . when the break is encountered just the innermost loop is "broken"
B . when the break is encountered, all loops are "broken" and execution continues from after the while statement (in our example)
C . when the break is encountered, all but the outermost loops are broken, and execution continues from the next iteration of the while loop (in our example)
D . this is a syntax error unless there are break or continue statements at each loop level
E . none of the above
break只會跳出當前的循環。也就是最裏面的循環。 - In order to compare int, float and double variables, you can use <, >, ==, !=, <=, >=, but to compare char and String variables, you must use compareTo( ), equals( ) and equalsIgnoreCase( ).
A . true
B . false
字符和字符串也可以用其他來比較,如==來比較,這時比較的是他們的地址是否一致。 - The statement if (x < 0) y = x; else y = 0; can be rewritten using a conditional operator as
A . y = (x < 0) ? x : 0;
B . x = (x < 0) ? y : 0;
C . (x < 0) ? y = x : y = 0;
D . y = (x < 0);
E . y = if (x < 0) x : 0;
對條件運算符的應用。 - Each case in a switch statement must terminate with a break statement.
A . true
B . false
代碼行數(新增/累積) | 博客量(新增/累積) | 學習時間(新增/累積) | 重要成長 | |
目標 | 5000行 | 30篇 | 400小時 | |
第一周 | 200/200 | 2/2 | 20/20 | |
第二周 | 300/500 | 1/3 | 18/38 | |
第三周 | 500/1000 | 1/4 | 22/60 | |
第四周 | 300/1300 | 1/5 | 30/90 | |
第五周 | 700/ 2000 | 1/6 | 30/120 | |
第六周 | 792/2792 | 1/7 | 30/150 |
20172307 2017-2018-2 《程序設計與數據結構》第6周學習總結