1. 程式人生 > >union, enum, and struct, 以及結構填充和位字段實現。

union, enum, and struct, 以及結構填充和位字段實現。

表示 bits 聯合 follow ++ alignment necessary only lds

Table 4-9 Compiler storage of data objects by byte alignment

char, bool, _Bool 1 Located at any byte address.
short, wchar_t 2 Located at any address that is evenly divisible by 2.
float, int, long, pointer 4 Located at an address that is evenly divisible by 4.
long long, double, long double 8 Located at an address that is evenly divisible by 8.





在C和C++中的模式,模式沒有-- enum_is_int,如果枚舉包含積極的枚舉值,該枚舉的存儲類型是從下面的列表中的第一個符號類型,根據該枚舉器枚舉的範圍。在其他模式,在這種情況下,一個枚舉包含任何負面的枚舉值,該枚舉的存儲類型是下列第一,根據該枚舉數的範圍在枚舉:

  • unsigned char if not using --enum_is_int
  • signed char if not using --enum_is_int
  • unsigned short if not using --enum_is_int
  • signed short if not using --enum_is_int
  • signed int
  • unsigned int except C with --strict
  • signed long long except C with --strict
  • unsigned long long
    except C with --strict.


#66: enumeration value is out of "int" range





  • 定義為靜態或外部結構的結構用零填充。
  • 堆棧或堆上的結構,如使用malloc()或AUTO定義的結構,將填充以前存儲在這些內存位置中的內容。您不能使用memcmp()來比較以這種方式定義的填充結構。




在嚴格的1990 ISO標準C中,唯一允許使用位字段的類型是int、符號int和無符號int。對於非int位字段,編譯器將顯示一個錯誤。無符號或無符號限定符聲明的普通位字段被視為無符號。例如,intx:10分配一個10位的無符號整數。位字段被分配給具有足夠數量未分配位的正確類型的第一個容器,例如:

struct X
    int x:10;
    int y:20;



struct X
    int x:10;
    int y:20;
    int z:5;


struct X
    int x:10;
    char y:2;



如果y被聲明為char y:8,編譯器會將第二個字節存儲起來,並將一個新的char容器分配給第三個字節,因為位字段不能溢出它的容器。下圖顯示了以下示例結構的位字段分配:

struct X
    int x:10;
    char y:8;



struct X
    int x:10;
    char y:8;
    int z:5;
The compiler allocates an int container starting at the same location as the int x:10 container and allocates a byte-aligned char and 5-bit bitfield, as follows: Figure 10-3 Bitfield allocation 2 技術分享圖片
You can explicitly pad a bitfield container by declaring an unnamed bitfield of size zero. A bitfield of zero size fills the container up to the end if the container is not empty. A subsequent bitfield declaration starts a new empty container.


As an optimization, the compiler might overwrite padding bits in a container with unspecified values when a bitfield is written. This does not affect normal usage of bitfields.

Bitfields in packed structures

Packed bitfield containers, including all bitfield containers in packed structures, have an alignment of 1. Therefore the maximum bit padding inserted to align a packed bitfield container is 7 bits. For an unpacked bitfield container, the maximum bit padding is 8*sizeof(container-type)-1 bits. Tail-padding is always inserted into the structure as necessary to ensure arrays of the structure will have their elements correctly aligned. A packed bitfield container is only large enough (in bytes) to hold the bitfield that declared it. Non-packed bitfield containers are the size of their type. The following examples illustrate these interactions.
struct A {          int z:17; }; // sizeof(A) = 4, alignment = 4
struct A { __packed int z:17; }; // sizeof(A) = 3, alignment = 1
__packed struct A { int z:17; }; // sizeof(A) = 3, alignment = 1
struct A { char y:1;          int z:31; }; // sizeof(A) = 4, alignment = 4
struct A { char y:1; __packed int z:31; }; // sizeof(A) = 4, alignment = 1
__packed struct A { char y:1; int z:31; }; // sizeof(A) = 4, alignment = 1
struct A { char y:1;          int z:32; }; // sizeof(A) = 8, alignment = 4
struct A { char y:1; __packed int z:32; }; // sizeof(A) = 5, alignment = 1
__packed struct A { char y:1; int z:32; }; // sizeof(A) = 5, alignment = 1
struct A { int x; char y:1;          int z:31; };  // sizeof(A) = 8, alignment = 4
struct A { int x; char y:1; __packed int z:31; };  // sizeof(A) = 8, alignment = 4
__packed struct A { int x; char y:1; int z:31; };  // sizeof(A) = 8, alignment = 1
struct A { int x; char y:1;          int z:32; };  // sizeof(A) = 12, alignment = 4 [1]
struct A { int x; char y:1; __packed int z:32; };  // sizeof(A) = 12, alignment = 4 [2]
__packed struct A { int x; char y:1; int z:32; };  // sizeof(A) = 9, alignment = 1
Note that [1] and [2] are not identical; the location of z within the structure and the tail-padding differ.
struct example1
int a : 8;  /* 4-byte container at offset 0 */
__packed int b : 8;  /* 1-byte container at offset 1 */
__packed int c : 24; /* 3-byte container at offset 2 */
}; /* Total size 8 (3 bytes tail padding) */;
struct example2
__packed int a : 8; /* 1-byte container at offset 0 */
__packed int b : 8; /* 1-byte container at offset 1 */
int c : 8; /* 4-byte container at offset 0 */
}; /* Total size 4 (No tail padding) */
struct example3
int a : 8;  /* 4-byte container at offset 0 */
__packed int b : 32; /* 4-byte container at offset 1 */
__packed int c : 32; /* 4-byte container at offset 5 */
int d : 16; /* 4-byte container at offset 8 */
int e : 16; /* 4-byte container at offset 12 */
int f : 16; /* In previous container */
}; /* Total size 16 (No tail padding) */

union, enum, and struct, 以及結構填充和位字段實現。