04-27 Mysql 考試 55 分 簡答題記錄
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-04-28
rom bsp col key jquery 計算機 har 聯系電話 not
create table coures(
cnoc int(10) not null primary key comment ‘課程ID‘,
name varchar(30) not null comment ‘課程名稱‘
insert into coures values(1,‘java‘),(2,‘oracle‘),(3,‘js‘),(4,‘jquery‘);
drop table if exists selclass;
create table selclass(
selno int(10) not null primary key auto_increment comment ‘選課ID‘,
sno int(10) not null comment ‘學生ID‘,
cno int(10) not null comment ‘課程ID‘,
count int(10) not null comment ‘成績‘
insert into selclass values(1,1,1,88),(2,1,2,77),(3,2,1,78),(4,2,2,91),(5,3,1,55),(6,3,2,65),(7,3,3,75),(10,4,3,74),(9,4,4,64);
sno int not null primary key comment‘學生ID‘,
sname varchar(20) not null comment‘姓名‘,
ssex varchar(20) not null comment‘性別‘,
splace varchar(20) not null comment‘籍貫‘,
syxid varchar(20) not null comment‘院系ID‘
drop table if exists yxinfo;
create table yxinfo(
yxid int not null primary key comment‘院系ID‘,
yxname varchar(20) not null comment‘院系名稱‘,
yxplace varchar(20) not null comment‘地址‘,
yxphone varchar(20) not null comment‘聯系電話‘
insert into student values
insert into yxinfo values
select * from student where syxid =(select yxid from yxinfo where yxname = ‘計算機系‘);
select * from yxinfo where yxid = (select syxid from student where sname = ‘趙和堂‘);
select yxname from yxinfo where yxplace like ‘行政樓%‘;
select ssex,count(*) from student group by ssex;
select * from yxinfo where yxid =(select syxid from student group by syxid order by count(*) desc limit 1);
select ssex,count(*) from student where syxid = (select syxid from student group by syxid order by count(*) desc limit 1) group by ssex;
select sname from student where splace = (select splace from student where sname = ‘秦奕‘);
select * from yxinfo where yxid = (select syxid from student where splace = ‘河北‘);
9.查出跟‘福建女生‘ 同院系的所有學生信息;
select * from student where syxid = (select syxid from student where splace = ‘福建‘ and ssex = ‘女‘);
select sname from setudent where sno in(select sno from selclass where cno in (select cnoc from coures where name = ‘oracle‘));
2.查詢 姜振國 同學選修了的課程名稱
select name from coures where cnoc in (select cno from selclass where sno in (select sno from setudent where sname = ‘姜振國‘));
select sno,sname from setudent where setudent.sno in (select selclass.sno from selclass group by selclass.sno having count(*) = 1);
select * from setudent where setudent.sno in (select selclass.sno from selclass group by selclass.sno having count(*) >= 3);
select * from setudent where setudent.sno in (select selclass.sno from selclass group by selclass.sno having count(*) =(select count(*) from coures));
select cno,count(*) from selclass group by selclass.cno;
select setudent.sno,sname,ssex from setudent join selclass on setudent.sno = selclass.sno where selclass.cno in (select selclass.cno from selclass join setudent on setudent.sno = selclass.sno where sname = ‘姜振國‘);
select sname,avg(count) from selclass a join setudent on setudent.sno = a.sno where a.sno = (select b.sno from selclass b where count < 60 group by b.sno having count(*) >=2) group by a.sno;
drop table if exists setudent;
create table setudent(
sno int(10) not null primary key comment ‘學號‘,
sname varchar(20) not null comment ‘姓名‘,
ssex varchar(10) not null comment ‘性別‘
insert into setudent values(1,‘姜振國‘,‘男‘),(2,‘趙書文‘,‘男‘),(3,‘芮思涵‘,‘女‘),(4,‘余浩然‘,‘男‘);
drop table if exists coures;
create table coures(
cnoc int(10) not null primary key comment ‘課程ID‘,
name varchar(30) not null comment ‘課程名稱‘
insert into coures values(1,‘java‘),(2,‘oracle‘),(3,‘js‘),(4,‘jquery‘);
drop table if exists selclass;
create table selclass(
selno int(10) not null primary key auto_increment comment ‘選課ID‘,
sno int(10) not null comment ‘學生ID‘,
cno int(10) not null comment ‘課程ID‘,
count int(10) not null comment ‘成績‘
insert into selclass values(1,1,1,88),(2,1,2,77),(3,2,1,78),(4,2,2,91),(5,3,1,55),(6,3,2,65),(7,3,3,75),(10,4,3,74),(9,4,4,64);
drop table if exists student;
create table student(
sno int not null primary key comment‘學生ID‘,
sname varchar(20) not null comment‘姓名‘,
ssex varchar(20) not null comment‘性別‘,
splace varchar(20) not null comment‘籍貫‘,
syxid varchar(20) not null comment‘院系ID‘
drop table if exists yxinfo;
create table yxinfo(
yxid int not null primary key comment‘院系ID‘,
yxname varchar(20) not null comment‘院系名稱‘,
yxplace varchar(20) not null comment‘地址‘,
yxphone varchar(20) not null comment‘聯系電話‘
insert into student values
insert into yxinfo values
select * from student where syxid =(select yxid from yxinfo where yxname = ‘計算機系‘);
select * from yxinfo where yxid = (select syxid from student where sname = ‘趙和堂‘);
select yxname from yxinfo where yxplace like ‘行政樓%‘;
select ssex,count(*) from student group by ssex;
select * from yxinfo where yxid =(select syxid from student group by syxid order by count(*) desc limit 1);
select ssex,count(*) from student where syxid = (select syxid from student group by syxid order by count(*) desc limit 1) group by ssex;
select sname from student where splace = (select splace from student where sname = ‘秦奕‘);
select * from yxinfo where yxid = (select syxid from student where splace = ‘河北‘);
9.查出跟‘福建女生‘ 同院系的所有學生信息;
select * from student where syxid = (select syxid from student where splace = ‘福建‘ and ssex = ‘女‘);
select sname from setudent where sno in(select sno from selclass where cno in (select cnoc from coures where name = ‘oracle‘));
2.查詢 姜振國 同學選修了的課程名稱
select name from coures where cnoc in (select cno from selclass where sno in (select sno from setudent where sname = ‘姜振國‘));
select sno,sname from setudent where setudent.sno in (select selclass.sno from selclass group by selclass.sno having count(*) = 1);
select * from setudent where setudent.sno in (select selclass.sno from selclass group by selclass.sno having count(*) >= 3);
select * from setudent where setudent.sno in (select selclass.sno from selclass group by selclass.sno having count(*) =(select count(*) from coures));
select cno,count(*) from selclass group by selclass.cno;
select setudent.sno,sname,ssex from setudent join selclass on setudent.sno = selclass.sno where selclass.cno in (select selclass.cno from selclass join setudent on setudent.sno = selclass.sno where sname = ‘姜振國‘);
select sname,avg(count) from selclass a join setudent on setudent.sno = a.sno where a.sno = (select b.sno from selclass b where count < 60 group by b.sno having count(*) >=2) group by a.sno;
04-27 Mysql 考試 55 分 簡答題記錄