阿新 • • 發佈:2018-05-09
Python MySQL Excel業務方要求每周發一封周報出來,將過去一周的線上項目的詳細信息發送出來,我們的監控用的是zabbix,過去一直是手動填寫,非常耗時耗力,而且顯得非常不專業,所以我花了幾個月時間學習Python,編寫如下腳本供大家參考,望大神勿笑。
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf8 -*- import MySQLdb import string import xlsxwriter import time,datetime import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding(‘utf-8‘) zdbhost = ‘ ‘ zdbuser = ‘ ‘ zdbpass = ‘ ‘ zdbport = zdbname = ‘ ‘ #時間戳 取當前時間和7天前的時間 stop_time = int(time.time()) start_time = stop_time - 604800 date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",time.localtime(stop_time)) xlsfilename = ‘%s業務周報.xlsx‘ % date #keys格式:itemname itemid type 格式化 groupid keys = [ [ [‘UV/天‘,‘167365‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘48‘,], [‘PV/周‘,‘167359‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘48‘,], [‘最大並發‘,‘167364‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘48‘,], [‘最大並發發生時間‘,‘167364‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘48‘,], [‘平均QPS‘,‘167361‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘48‘], [‘最大QPS‘,‘167361‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘48‘], [‘最大QPS發生時間‘,‘167361‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘48‘], [‘最大帶寬(in)‘,‘81291‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘48‘], [‘平均帶寬(in)‘,‘81291‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘48‘], [‘最大帶寬(out)‘,‘81292‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘48‘], [‘平均帶寬(out)‘,‘81292‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘48‘] ], [ [‘UV/天‘,‘168141‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘16‘], [‘PV/周‘,‘168135‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘16‘], [‘最大並發‘,‘168140‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘16‘], [‘最大並發發生時間‘,‘168140‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘16‘,‘‘], [‘平均QPS‘,‘168137‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘16‘], [‘最大QPS‘,‘168137‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘16‘], [‘最大QPS發生時間‘,‘168137‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘16‘], [‘最大帶寬(in)‘, ‘104522‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘16‘], [‘平均帶寬(in)‘, ‘104522‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘16‘], [‘最大帶寬(out)‘, ‘104523‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘16‘], [‘平均帶寬(out)‘, ‘104523‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘16‘] ], [ [‘UV/天‘, ‘163672‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘71‘], [‘PV/周‘, ‘163666‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘71‘], [‘最大並發‘, ‘163671‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘71‘], [‘最大並發發生時間‘, ‘163671‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘71‘,‘‘], [‘平均QPS‘,‘163668‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘71‘], [‘最大QPS‘,‘163668‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘71‘], [‘最大QPS發生時間‘,‘163668‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘71‘], [‘最大帶寬(in)‘, ‘84942‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘71‘], [‘平均帶寬(in)‘, ‘84942‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘71‘], [‘最大帶寬(out)‘, ‘84943‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘71‘], [‘平均帶寬(out)‘, ‘84943‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘71‘] ], [ [‘UV/天‘, ‘154707‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘132‘], [‘PV/周‘, ‘154722‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘132‘], [‘最大並發‘, ‘154706‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘132‘], [‘最大並發發生時間‘, ‘154706‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘132‘,‘‘], [‘平均QPS‘,‘154703‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘132‘], [‘最大QPS‘,‘154703‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘132‘], [‘最大QPS發生時間‘,‘154703‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘132‘], [‘最大帶寬(in)‘, ‘152400‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘132‘], [‘平均帶寬(in)‘, ‘152400‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘132‘], [‘最大帶寬(out)‘, ‘152402‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘132‘], [‘平均帶寬(out)‘, ‘152402‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘132‘] ], [ [‘UV/天‘, ‘189559‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘31‘], [‘PV/周‘, ‘189553‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘31‘], [‘最大並發‘, ‘189558‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘31‘], [‘最大並發發生時間‘, ‘189558‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘31‘,‘‘], [‘平均QPS‘,‘189555‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘31‘], [‘最大QPS‘,‘189555‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘31‘], [‘最大QPS發生時間‘,‘189555‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘31‘], [‘最大帶寬(in)‘, ‘190757‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘31‘], [‘平均帶寬(in)‘, ‘190757‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘31‘], [‘最大帶寬(out)‘, ‘190758‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘31‘], [‘平均帶寬(out)‘, ‘190758‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘31‘] ], [ [‘UV/天‘,‘188642‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘50‘], [‘PV/周‘,‘188636‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘50‘], [‘最大並發‘,‘188641‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘50‘], [‘最大並發發生時間‘,‘188641‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘50‘,‘‘], [‘平均QPS‘,‘188638‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘50‘], [‘最大QPS‘,‘188638‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘50‘], [‘最大QPS發生時間‘,‘188638‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, 1,‘50‘], [‘最大帶寬(in)‘, ‘33707‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘50‘], [‘平均帶寬(in)‘, ‘33707‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘50‘], [‘最大帶寬(out)‘, ‘33712‘,‘max‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘50‘], [‘平均帶寬(out)‘, ‘33712‘,‘avg‘, ‘%.2f‘, ‘1048576‘,‘50‘] ] ] def report(): ‘‘‘打開數據庫連接‘‘‘ conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=zdbhost,user=zdbuser,passwd=zdbpass,port=zdbport,db=zdbname,charset=‘utf8‘) cursor = conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) i = 2 group = {"132":"微信公眾號", "71":"微信電視", "16":"chiq3音視頻", "48":"launcher", "50":"個性化推薦", "31":"語義雲"} value1 = {} value = {} #創建文件 workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(xlsfilename) #定義Excel中的格式,參考http://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.io/ merge_format = workbook.add_format({ ‘bold‘: True, ‘border‘: True, ‘align‘: ‘center‘, ‘valign‘: ‘vcenter‘, ‘fg_color‘: ‘#D7E4BC‘, }) merge_format1 = workbook.add_format({ ‘border‘: True, ‘align‘: ‘center‘, ‘valign‘: ‘vcenter‘, ‘text_wrap‘: True, }) #創建工作薄 worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() worksheet.set_column(‘A:L‘,11) #寫入第一行 worksheet.merge_range(‘A1:L1‘, ‘業務監控周報(%s)‘.decode(‘utf-8‘) % date, merge_format) #寫入其他行 worksheet.write(1,0,‘項目名稱‘.decode(‘utf-8‘),merge_format1) for targets in keys: groupid = targets[0][5] worksheet.write(i,0,group[groupid].decode(‘utf-8‘),merge_format1) j = 1 for target in targets: item = target[0] itemid = target[1] sql2 = ‘‘‘select %s(value_%s) as result from trends_uint where itemid = %s and clock >= %s‘‘‘ % (target[2], target[2], itemid, start_time) try: cursor.execute(sql2) result2 = cursor.fetchone()[‘result‘] except MySQLdb.OperationalError: result2 = "Not monitored" if target[0] in [‘最大QPS發生時間‘,‘最大並發發生時間‘]: #sql3 = ‘‘‘select clock from trends_uint where itemid = %s and value_%s = %s and clock >= %s and clock <= %s ‘‘‘ % (target[1], target[2], result2, start_time, stop_time) sql3 = ‘‘‘select clock from trends_uint where itemid = %s and value_%s = %s and clock >= %s limit 1‘‘‘ % (target[1], target[2], result2, start_time) try: cursor.execute(sql3) result3 = cursor.fetchone()[‘clock‘] result2 = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(result3)) except MySQLdb.OperationalError: result2 = "Not monitored" #處理數據 if not result2: result2 = "Not monitored" if type(result2) is str: result = result2 else: if result2 > 1000: if result2 > 1000000: if result2 > 1000000000: result = str(‘%.2f‘ %(float(result2)/1000000000)) + ‘G‘ else: result = str(‘%.2f‘ %(float(result2)/1000000)) + ‘M‘ else: result = str(‘%.2f‘ %(float(result2)/1000)) + ‘K‘ else: result = result2 value1.update({itemid:result}) value.update({groupid:value1}) worksheet.write(1,j,item.decode(‘utf-8‘),merge_format1) worksheet.write(i,j,value[groupid][itemid],merge_format1) j += 1 i += 1 workbook.close() cursor.close() conn.close() if __name__ == "__main__": report()