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PrincetonAlgorithm I - Assignment2 Deques and Randomized Queues

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Programming Assignment2 - Deque and Randomized Queues Review

Assignment Specification


Subtext: Modular Programming

  • Stacks and Queues are fundamental data types
    • Value: collection of objects
    • Basic Operation: insert, remove, iterate.
    • Difference: which item do we move? -> Stack: LIFO(last in first out) Queue: FIFO(first in first out)
  • Client, implementation, interface
    • Client: program using operations defined in interface
    • Implementation: actual code implementing operations
    • Interface: description of data type, basic operations

Stack Programming API:

public class StackOfStrings
StackOfStrings() //create an empty stack
void push(String item)  //insert a new string onto stack
String pop() //remove and return the string most recently added boolean isEmpty() //is the stack empty?

linked-list implementation

//Attention: Stack have only one exit -> only one pointer is enough
/*Corner Cases:
    client add a null item -> IllegalArgumentException
    remove() from empty stack -> NoSuchElementException
*/ public class StackOfStrings { private Node first; private class Node { String item; Node next; } public boolean isEmpty() { return first == null; } public StackOfStrings { Node first = null; } public void push(String item) { //Improve: add exception to deal with invalid operation Node oldfirst = first; first = new Node(); //Attention: must craete a new instance here first.item = item; first.next = oldfirst; } public String pop() { String item = first.item; first = first.next; return item; }

* 實現某個方法所要使用的數據結構,
* 調用方法 or 自己寫方法,
* API的性能要求 -> 使用哪種算法可以滿足要求 查找,插入,刪除 時間 + 空間

Stack的數組實現(resize array)

Queue的數組實現(resize array)

雙向對別不應當是兩個隊列的水平疊加,見figure 1



  1. 對於文件的讀寫基本操作命令不夠熟悉
  2. 對於問題的定義 出現了沒有搞清楚題目要求的現象,包括Deque的基本操作 以及Permutation 類當中,應當是讀取全部數據,輸出k個數據,而不是讀取k個數據,輸出全部數據的問題

PrincetonAlgorithm I - Assignment2 Deques and Randomized Queues