1. 程式人生 > >WebSphere的jython編碼的一個坑


系統 net dash iss member score res error: user

was5.1版本,用"name=" in line這類判斷字符串包含的方式時,系統會提示報錯

TypeError: string member test needs char left operand


  • Yeah, its fairly old I believe. Its the implementation of jython that comes with WebSphere 8.5.5. Even though its the very latest release of WebSphere, it still comes with a ten year old python! – Seer Oct 3 ‘13 at 9:15
  • I looked into this some more. WebSphere comes with Jython 2.1 (just type sys.version to verify). Look at SourceForge and behold, it was released in September 2002, thus why we have to deal with stupid issues from over a decade ago: sourceforge.net/projects/jython/files/jython – ArtOfWarfare Jun 3 ‘14 at 15:05


