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t-ora issue can't login mysql

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TOra is an open-source multi-platform database management GUI that supports accessing most of the common database platforms in use, including Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, as well as limited support for any target that can be accessed through Qt‘s ODBC support. TOra has been built for various Linux distributions, Mac OS X, MS Windows, and UNIX platforms.


There is also a Mingw32 Fedora 11 Cross Compile build
- see the README file in the win32-cross directory,
which also contains utility scripts for that build.
- Building with MSVC - CMake
- Building Windows installer.
# Building with MSVC - CMake (+ See README.CMAKE)
All information below assumes D:\DEVEL as the base directory, and
D:\DEVEL\tora3 as tora checkout.
1. Download and install "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Express" (or higher)
1a. (Optional) Download and install "Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)"
1b. (Optional) Download and install "Microsoft Windows SDK v7.1".
If you have Windows SDK 7.1 use it‘s command prompt.
1c. Download and install Git for Windows (https://git-for-windows.github.io/), into D:\DEVEL (or somewhere *without* spaces in the PATH)
========================== QT 4 Version ========================================
2. All related steps are done in the "Visual Studio Command Prompt"
I have MS Visual Studio 2013 Express. (Or Windows SDK 7.1 command prompt).
3. Download and install Active state Perl
4. Download and unzip OpenSSL-<ver>.tgz
4a. Build OpenSSL as described here: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building_Qt_Desktop_for_Windows_with_MSVC
4b. set environment qt32.bat (or qt64.bat)
4b. perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=D:\Devel\OpenSSL
4c. ms\do_ms
4d. nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
4e. nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install
5. Download and unzip Boost headers. The is no need to compile anything. Only few headers are needed.
6. Download and unzip Qt4 source version for Windows. (Version 4.8.5)
6a. Build OpenSSL as described here: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building_Qt_Desktop_for_Windows_with_MSVC
6b. Configure QT: configure.exe -debug-and-release -fast -openssl -webkit -nomake examples -nomake demos -system-proxies -stl
6c. Compile QT: nmake (and wait)
7. Install Oracle client - instant or standard one. (set env. variable ORACLE_HOME)
8. (Optional) Download and install Postgresql including development packages.
It‘s a part of the default install - just check its component.
NOTE: Install it to the path *without* spaces in its name - Qt has
problems with compilation in the case of space.
URL: http://www.enterprisedb.com/products/pgdownload.do#windows
Seems that this installer doesn‘t prompt for any paths/etc.
Be sure and disable postgres service after install if you won‘t be running the server itself
9. (Optional) Download and install MySQL including development packages.
It‘s a part of default installer - just check its component.
NOTE: Install it to the path *without* space in its name - Qt has
problems with compilation in the case of space.
URL: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html#win32
I am testing with the 5.1.37 MSI installer, not the ‘Essentials‘ one
10. Compile QT DB drivers for MySQL and PostgresSQL as described here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/sql-driver.html
========================== QT 5 Version ========================================
2. Download&Install binaries for MSVC
2a. set env variable QTDIR in MSVC command prompt
11. Download and install cmake from www.cmake.org. Into D:\DEVEL (*without* spaces in the PATH)
12. Check and set paths
- Doxygen (Optional)
- OpenSSL
- Nasm (Optional)
- Perl
- DirectX SDK (Optional)
- Windows SDK 7.1 (Optional)
- Tortoise SVN (svn.exe is needed while building)
13. Compile Tora in a GUI.
cd d:\devel\tora3
- Where is the source core: d:\devel\tora3
- Where to build the binaries: d:\devel\tora3
- Add Entry: Name: BOOST_ROOT
Type: "Path"
Value" "D:/DEVEL/boost_1_58_0"
- Add Entry: Name: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
Value: either "Debug", "Release" or "RelWithDebInfo"
- Click Configure/Generate, set generator to Visual Studio 2013 (or Visual Studio 2013 64bit)
13b. Open Visual Studio 2013 and import solution tora.sln
13c. Compile projects tora poracle
14. Compile Tora in command prompt
mkdir d:\devel\tora3\debug
cd d:\devel\tora3\debug
# Testing
Above build will generate into the tora-build\RELEASE dir. Copy the various dll files from Qt, Postgres, MySQL
installs into that dir as well:
MSVC 2013 Runtime libs(optional)
QT4 Libs:
QtCore4.dll QtGui4.dll QtHelp4.dll QtNetwork4.dll QtSql4.dll QtXml4.dll (put into root)
qsqlmysqld4.dll qsqlpsql4.dll qsqlodbc4.dll (put into plugins subdir)
QT5 Libs:
cd src/RelWithDebInfo
%QTDIR%/bin/windeployqt tora.exe
Tora Libs:
Then you should be able to run tora.exe from that dir. This can be used to test prior to packaging.
# Building Windows installer.
1. Download and install Wix from
2. Execute the packager
cd package
make_msi.bat (resp. make_msi64.bat, make_msi64_qt5.bat)
Please report any bugs should you find them as this port is still in the

experimental stage.


t-ora issue can't login mysql