1. 程式人生 > >cobbler定制化安裝Centos7.2操作系統


creates sda step def hashing inux eat architect groups


# Cobbler for Kickstart Configurator for CentOS 7.2.1511 by Wolf_Dreams

# Install OS instead of upgrade
# Use network installation(The starting "$" variables are all values in the call configuration file)
url --url=$tree  #引用cobbler配置文件來進行安裝
# Use text mode install(graphical, text, or cmdline)
text  #采用文本方式安裝
# System language
lang en_US.UTF-8  #指定系統語言
# System keyboard
keyboard us  #指定鍵盤使用語言
# Clear the Master Boot Record
zerombr  #清空系統主引導記錄(原機器有系統)
# System bootloader configuration
bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda --append="crashkernel=auto net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rhgb quiet"  #引導啟動器
# Network information
# System timezone
timezone --utc Asia/Shanghai --ntpservers=ntp1.aliyun.com
# System authorization information(Use shadow passwords,set up the SHA-512 hashing)
authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512  #設置認證信息
#Root password
rootpw  --iscrypted $default_password_crypted  #新裝系統默認密碼
# Partition clearing information
clearpart --all –initlabel  #刪除分區信息
# Allow manual partitioning of the system as needed(default fstype xfs or default units MB)
part /boot --fstype xfs --size 500  
part swap --size 2048
part / --fstype xfs --grow  #邏輯磁盤的所有分區都劃分給根(/)分區
# Run the Setup Agent on first boot firstboot --disable # SELinux configuration selinux --disabled # Firewall configuration firewall --disabled #Controls the error logging of Anaconda during installation. It has no effect on the installed system. logging --level=info # Do not configure the X Window System skipx #不配置x window桌面系統 # Creates a new user group group --name=development # Creates a new user on the system user --name=gandalf --groups=development --homedir=/data/gandalf --password=123456 --shell=/bin/sh # Reboot after installation reboot # Pre-installation Script(The %pre script is run on the system immediately after the Kickstart file has been parsed, but before installation begins. ) %pre --log=/var/log/ks-pre.log $SNIPPET(‘log_ks_pre‘) #調用的文件存放在/var/lib/cobbler/snippets目錄下
$SNIPPET(‘kickstart_start‘) #調用kickstart開始安裝 $SNIPPET(‘pre_install_network_config‘) # Enable installation monitoring $SNIPPET(‘pre_anamon‘) %end # Package Selection(The %packages section must end with the %end command.) %packages #定制安裝完的系統安裝有什麽軟件包(@代表安裝軟件包組-代表不安裝什麽軟件包,沒有前綴代表單個軟件包) @base @compat-libraries @debugging @development net-tools tree lrzsz vim telnet nmap sysstat dos2unix iptraf ncurses-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel OpenIPMI-tools screen %end # Post-installation Script(You have the option of adding commands to run on the system once the installation is complete, but before the system is rebooted for the first time) #Logs the script‘s output into the specified log file(/var/log/ks-post.log) %post --log=/var/log/ks-post.log systemctl disable postfix.service %end # kdump configuration(enable,The amount of memory you want to reserve for kdump, in MiB) %addon com_redhat_kdump --enable --reserve-mb=128 #開啟系統崩潰轉存機制kdump %end # Jump to local drive boot start %post # Start final steps $SNIPPET(‘kickstart_done‘) #防止系統循環安裝,即調用pxe_just_once=1

二、指定Centos_7_x86_64.ks文件及調整內核net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0參數


[root@cobbler-server ~]# cd /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/
[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# ls
default.ks    install_profiles  sample_autoyast.xml  sample_esxi4.ks  sample.ks
esxi4-ks.cfg  legacy.ks         sample_end.ks #默認ks文件        sample_esxi5.ks  sample_old.seed
esxi5-ks.cfg  pxerescue.ks      sample_esx4.ks       sample_esxi6.ks  sample.seed


[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# rz 
rz waiting to receive.
Starting zmodem transfer.  Press Ctrl+C to cancel.
Transferring Centos_7_x86_64.ks...
  100%       2 KB       2 KB/sec    00:00:01       0 Errors  


[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# ls -ldh Centos_7_x86_64.ks 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.7K May 26 13:30 Centos_7_x86_64.ks


[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler distro list
[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler profile list


[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler distro report --name=CentOS-7-x86_64       
Name                           : CentOS-7-x86_64
Architecture                   : x86_64
TFTP Boot Files                : {}
Breed                          : redhat
Comment                        : 
Fetchable Files                : {}
Initrd                         : /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/CentOS-7-x86_64/images/pxeboot/initrd.img
Kernel                         : /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/CentOS-7-x86_64/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
Kernel Options                 : {}
Kernel Options (Post Install)  : {}
Kickstart Metadata             : {‘tree‘: ‘http://@@http_server@@/cblr/links/CentOS-7-x86_64‘}
Management Classes             : []
OS Version                     : rhel7
Owners                         : [‘admin‘]
Red Hat Management Key         : <<inherit>>
Red Hat Management Server      : <<inherit>>
Template Files                 : {}


[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler profile report --name=CentOS-7-x86_64
Name                           : CentOS-7-x86_64
TFTP Boot Files                : {}
Comment                        : 
DHCP Tag                       : default
Distribution                   : CentOS-7-x86_64
Enable gPXE?                   : 0
Enable PXE Menu?               : 1
Fetchable Files                : {}
Kernel Options                 : {}
Kernel Options (Post Install)  : {}
Kickstart                      : /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample_end.ks #系統默認使用的kickstart文件
Kickstart Metadata             : {}
Management Classes             : []
Management Parameters          : <<inherit>>
Name Servers                   : []
Name Servers Search Path       : []
Owners                         : [‘admin‘]
Parent Profile                 : 
Internal proxy                 : 
Red Hat Management Key         : <<inherit>>
Red Hat Management Server      : <<inherit>>
Repos                          : []
Server Override                : <<inherit>>
Template Files                 : {}
Virt Auto Boot                 : 1
Virt Bridge                    : xenbr0
Virt CPUs                      : 1
Virt Disk Driver Type          : raw
Virt File Size(GB)             : 5
Virt Path                      : 
Virt RAM (MB)                  : 512
Virt Type                      : kvm


[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# ksvalidator Centos_7_x86_64.ks 
The following problem occurred on line 18 of the kickstart file:

Unknown command: $SNIPPET(network_config)  #忽略該項


[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler profile edit --name=CentOS-7-x86_64 --kickstart=/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/Centos_7_x86_64.ks

9、指定更改Centos7網卡名稱為ethx,指定參數--kopts=‘net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0‘

[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler profile edit --name=CentOS-7-x86_64 --kopts=‘net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0‘


[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler profile report --name=CentOS-7-x86_64
Name                           : CentOS-7-x86_64
TFTP Boot Files                : {}
Comment                        : 
DHCP Tag                       : default
Distribution                   : CentOS-7-x86_64
Enable gPXE?                   : 0
Enable PXE Menu?               : 1
Fetchable Files                : {}
Kernel Options                 : {‘biosdevname‘: ‘0‘, ‘net.ifnames‘: ‘0‘}  #centos7需要設置,centos6不需要設置
Kernel Options (Post Install)  : {}
Kickstart                      : /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/Centos_7_x86_64.ks #更改成指定的kickstart文件
Kickstart Metadata             : {}
Management Classes             : []
Management Parameters          : <<inherit>>
Name Servers                   : []
Name Servers Search Path       : []
Owners                         : [‘admin‘]
Parent Profile                 : 
Internal proxy                 : 
Red Hat Management Key         : <<inherit>>
Red Hat Management Server      : <<inherit>>
Repos                          : []
Server Override                : <<inherit>>
Template Files                 : {}
Virt Auto Boot                 : 1
Virt Bridge                    : xenbr0
Virt CPUs                      : 1
Virt Disk Driver Type          : raw
Virt File Size(GB)             : 5
Virt Path                      : 
Virt RAM (MB)                  : 512
Virt Type                      : kvm
[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler sync





[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler system add --name=cobbler-client --mac-address=00:0C:29:97:85:40 --profile=CentOS-7-x86_64 --ip-address= --netmask= --gateway= --interface=eth0 --static=1 --hostname=cobbler-client --name-servers=""
[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler system list
[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler sysnc


[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler system edit --name=cobbler-client --ip-address=
[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler system report --name=cobbler-client
Name                           : cobbler-client
TFTP Boot Files                : {}
Comment                        : 
Enable gPXE?                   : <<inherit>>
Fetchable Files                : {}
Gateway                        :
Hostname                       : cobbler-client
Image                          : 
IPv6 Autoconfiguration         : False
IPv6 Default Device            : 
Kernel Options                 : {}
Kernel Options (Post Install)  : {}
Kickstart                      : <<inherit>>
Kickstart Metadata             : {}
LDAP Enabled                   : False
LDAP Management Type           : authconfig
Management Classes             : <<inherit>>
Management Parameters          : <<inherit>>
Monit Enabled                  : False
Name Servers                   : [‘‘, ‘‘]
Name Servers Search Path       : []
Netboot Enabled                : True
Owners                         : <<inherit>>
Power Management Address       : 
Power Management ID            : 
Power Management Password      : 
Power Management Type          : ipmitool
Power Management Username      : 
Profile                        : CentOS-7-x86_64
Internal proxy                 : <<inherit>>
Red Hat Management Key         : <<inherit>>
Red Hat Management Server      : <<inherit>>
Repos Enabled                  : False
Server Override                : <<inherit>>
Status                         : production
Template Files                 : {}
Virt Auto Boot                 : <<inherit>>
Virt CPUs                      : <<inherit>>
Virt Disk Driver Type          : <<inherit>>
Virt File Size(GB)             : <<inherit>>
Virt Path                      : <<inherit>>
Virt PXE Boot                  : 0
Virt RAM (MB)                  : <<inherit>>
Virt Type                      : <<inherit>>
Interface =====                : eth0
Bonding Opts                   : 
Bridge Opts                    : 
CNAMES                         : []
InfiniBand Connected Mode      : False
DHCP Tag                       : 
DNS Name                       : 
Per-Interface Gateway          : 
Master Interface               : 
Interface Type                 : 
IP Address                     :
IPv6 Address                   : 
IPv6 Default Gateway           : 
IPv6 MTU                       : 
IPv6 Prefix                    : 
IPv6 Secondaries               : []
IPv6 Static Routes             : []
MAC Address                    : 00:0C:29:97:85:40
Management Interface           : False
MTU                            : 
Subnet Mask                    :
Static                         : True
Static Routes                  : []
Virt Bridge                    : 

[root@cobbler-server kickstarts]# cobbler sync






