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docker Failed to get D-Bus connection 報錯

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docker Failed to get D-Bus connection 報錯

原創憬薇2016-01-15 11:25:26評論(10)40278人閱讀

[root@e13c3d3802d0 /]# service httpd start
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start httpd.service
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted

首先恭喜你使用centos7鏡像,然後就是不幸告訴你這個問題是個BUG 將在centos7.2解決。

Currently, systemd in CentOS 7 has been removed and replaced with a fakesystemd package for dependency resolution. This is due to systemd requiring the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability, as well as being able to read the host‘s cgroups. If you wish to replace the fakesystemd package and use systemd normally, please follow the steps below.

有的說創建的時候加上 --privileged選項


最後實在是沒辦法就 rpm -ql 軟件包 查看安裝的時候有哪些命令在PATH下,用這些命令去啟動,這個是一種解決的方法
例如apache的啟動就是用命令 httpd

systemctl start http.service
Failed to get D-Bus connection: No connection to service manager.

docker run --privileged -ti -e "container=docker" -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup centos /usr/sbin/init

docker Failed to get D-Bus connection 報錯