1. 程式人生 > >基於numpy的隨機數構造


creat raw int adc num values pan des excludes

class numpy.random.RandomState(seed=None)
  RandomState 是一個基於Mersenne Twister算法的偽隨機數生成類
  RandomState 包含很多生成 概率分布的偽隨機數 的方法。


numpy.random.RandomState.rand(d0, d1, ..., dn)
  Random values in a given shape.
  Create an array of the given shape and populate it with random samples from a uniform distribution over [0, 1).
  rand()函數產生 [0,1)間的均勻分布的指定維度的 偽隨機數

    d0, d1, …, dn : int, optional
      The dimensions of the returned array, should all be positive. If no argument is given a single Python float is returned.

    out : ndarray, shape (d0, d1, ..., dn)
      Random values.

numpy.random.RandomState.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=None)
  Draw samples from a uniform distribution.
  Samples are uniformly distributed over the half-open interval [low, high) (includes low, but excludes high). In other words, any value within the given interval is equally likely to be drawn by uniform.
  uniform()函數產生 [low,high)間的 均勻分布的指定維度的 偽隨機數

  low : float or array_like of floats, optional
    Lower boundary of the output interval. All values generated will be greater than or equal to low. The default value is 0.
  high : float or array_like of floats
    Upper boundary of the output interval. All values generated will be less than high. The default value is 1.0.
  size : int or tuple of ints, optional
    Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn.
    If size is None (default), a single value is returned if low and high are both scalars. Otherwise, np.broadcast(low, high).size samples are drawn.

    out : ndarray or scalar
      Drawn samples from the parameterized uniform distribution.

有時候我們需要自己模擬構造 輸入數據(矩陣),那麽這種隨機數的生成是一種很好的方式。

 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 2 """
 3 Created on Tue May 29 12:14:11 2018
 5 @author: Frank
 6 """
 8 import numpy as np
10 #基於seed產生隨機數
11 rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
12 print(type(rng))
14 #生成[0,1)間的 32行2列矩陣
15 X=rng.rand(32, 2)
16 print("X.type{}".format(type(X)))
17 print(X)
19 #生成[0,1)間的 一個隨機數
20 a1 = rng.rand()
21 print("a1.type{}".format(type(a1)))
22 print(a1)
24 #生成[0,1)間的 一個包含兩個元素的隨機數組
25 a2 = rng.rand(2)
26 print("a2.type{}".format(type(a2)))
27 print(a2)
29 #生成[1,2)間的隨機浮點數
30 X1 = rng.uniform(1,2)
31 print("X1.type{}".format(type(X1)))
32 print(X1)
34 #生成[1,2)間的隨機數,一維數組且僅含1個數
35 X2 = rng.uniform(1,2,1)
36 print("X2.type{}".format(type(X2)))
37 print(X2)
39 #生成[1,2)間的隨機數,一維數組且僅含2個數
40 X3 = rng.uniform(1,2,2)
41 print("X3.type{}".format(type(X3)))
42 print(X3)
44 #生成[1,2)間的隨機數,2行3列矩陣
45 X4 = rng.uniform(1,2,(2,3))
46 print("X4.type{}".format(type(X4)))
47 print(X4)
