1. 程式人生 > >ABAP術語-SAPNET


access body pro log -s 核心 intranet portal https

SAPNET 原文:http://www.cnblogs.com/qiangsheng/archive/2008/03/17/1109823.html

SAPNet is the intranet portal of SAP that provides a role-based and personal interface, and uses a Web browser as GUI . SAPNet is also available to SAP partners and customers who have a role-based view on SAPNet. Employees can personalize SAPNet to their individual needs and can use SAPNet as personal inbox and central access point to Employee Self Service and procurement.

分隔線上面是 SAP 標準文檔中提供的說明
SAPNet 是 SAP 的一個內聯網門戶,提供了基於角色和個性化的接口,使用了 Web 瀏覽器做為 GUI。SAPNet 也可以為 SAP 的合作夥伴和客戶所使用,這也是基於他們的角色。員工可以個性化 SAPNet 來滿足他們的個性化需要,並且把 SAPNet 做為個人收件箱和員工自我服務的核心訪問點。