1. 程式人生 > >Class-dump


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What is class-dump?

This is a command-line utility for examining the Objective-C runtime information stored in Mach-O files. It generates declarations for the classes, categories and protocols. This is the same information provided by using ‘otool -ov’, but presented as normal Objective-C declarations, so it is much more compact and readable.

Why use class-dump?

It’s a great tool for the curious. You can look at the design of closed source applications, frameworks, and bundles. Watch the interfaces evolve between releases. Experiment with private frameworks, or see what private goodies are hiding in the AppKit. Learn about the plugin API lurking in Mail.app.

Download address

  • class-dump-3.5.dmg
  • class-dump-3.5.tar.gz
  • class-dump-3.5.tar.bz2

How install class-dump?

  • 下載 class-dump-3.5.dmg
  • 打開 class-dump-3.5.dmg
  • 將 class-dump 復制到 /usr/bin 目錄下,如沒有權限,關閉 SIP
  • 在終端輸入 class-dump 測試是否安裝成功

How use class-dump?

  • 新建 Xcode 項目
  • 在真機上 Command + b 構建
  • 右鍵 Produces 目錄下的 .app 文件,Show In Finder 切換到該目錄下
  • 終端輸入:class-dump -H AppName.app -o 要輸出的目錄

Matters need attention

對於 .ipa 文件,將後綴改為 .zip,然後解壓,可以得到 .app。從 App store 下載的應用,經過加密,需要先砸殼,然後再使用 class-dump


