1. 程式人生 > >JS-格式化json


set col QQ pad json2 native ber RM bracket

一 使用原生JSON.stringify實現

<textarea name="" id="myTA" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>
    var myTA = document.getElementById("myTA");
    myTA.value = JSON.stringify({"aaa":123,"bbb":456}, null, 4)

二 自己寫函數實現



// Notes:
// - json2.js is not needed if browser supports JSON.stringify and JSON.parse natively
// - jQuery is only used to place the results // colon;冒號,pad;填補 var formatJson = function(json, options) { var reg = null, formatted = ‘‘, pad = 0, PADDING = ‘ ‘; // one can also use ‘\t‘ or a different number of spaces // optional settings options = options ||
{}; // remove newline where ‘{‘ or ‘[‘ follows ‘:‘ options.newlineAfterColonIfBeforeBraceOrBracket = (options.newlineAfterColonIfBeforeBraceOrBracket === true) ? true : false; // use a space after a colon options.spaceAfterColon = (options.spaceAfterColon === false) ? false : true
; // begin formatting... // make sure we start with the JSON as a string if (typeof json !== ‘string‘) { json = JSON.stringify(json); } // parse and stringify in order to remove extra whitespace // json = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(json));可以除去多余的空格 json = JSON.parse(json); json = JSON.stringify(json); // add newline before and after curly braces reg = /([\{\}])/g; json = json.replace(reg, \r\n$1\r\n); // add newline before and after square brackets reg = /([\[\]])/g; json = json.replace(reg, \r\n$1\r\n); // add newline after comma reg = /(\,)/g; json = json.replace(reg, ‘$1\r\n); // remove multiple newlines reg = /(\r\n\r\n)/g; json = json.replace(reg, \r\n); // remove newlines before commas reg = /\r\n\,/g; json = json.replace(reg, ‘,‘); // optional formatting... if (!options.newlineAfterColonIfBeforeBraceOrBracket) { reg = /\:\r\n\{/g; json = json.replace(reg, ‘:{‘); reg = /\:\r\n\[/g; json = json.replace(reg, ‘:[‘); } if (options.spaceAfterColon) { reg = /\:/g; json = json.replace(reg, ‘: ‘); } $.each(json.split(\r\n), function(index, node) { var i = 0, indent = 0, padding = ‘‘; if (node.match(/\{$/) || node.match(/\[$/)) { indent = 1; } else if (node.match(/\}/) || node.match(/\]/)) { if (pad !== 0) { pad -= 1; } } else { indent = 0; } for (i = 0; i < pad; i++) { padding += PADDING; } formatted += padding + node + \r\n; pad += indent; }); return formatted; }; var json = {}; // display formatted JSON (as JSON object) json = {"a":{"aa":[1,2,{"aaa":"abc","bbb":"defgh","ccc":987},[100,200,300,{"one":1,"two":"ii","three":"Three"},1000]],"bb":"xyz","ccc":777},"b":["qqq","www","eee"],"c":"hello","d":12345}; $(‘#formattedJson1‘).text( formatJson(json) ); // display formatted JSON (from JSON string) json = ‘{ "a": { "aa": [ 1, 2, { "aaa": "abc",‘+ ‘ "bbb": "defgh", "ccc": 987 }, [ 100, ‘+ ‘200, 300 , { "one": 1, "two" : "ii", "three" ‘+ ‘: "Three" }, 1000 ]‘+ ‘ ], ‘+ ‘ "bb": "xyz", "ccc": 777 }, "b": [ "qqq", "www", ‘+ ‘"eee" ], "c": "hello", "d": 12345 }‘; $(‘#formattedJson2‘).text( formatJson(json) );
