1. 程式人生 > >[Vue-rx] Access Events from Vue.js Templates as RxJS Streams with domStreams

[Vue-rx] Access Events from Vue.js Templates as RxJS Streams with domStreams

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The domStreams component property enables you to access Events from your Vue.js templates as Streams insides your subscriptions function. You can then map the Events to other values and stream them back into your Vue.js templates.

  <section class="section">
class="button" v-stream:click="click$">Click</button> <h1 class="title">{{random$}}</h1> </section> </template> <script> import { Observable } from "rxjs" export default { domStreams: ["click$"], subscriptions() { const random$ = this.click$.map(()
=> Math.random() ) return { random$ } } } </script>

[Vue-rx] Access Events from Vue.js Templates as RxJS Streams with domStreams