1. 程式人生 > >Jmeter 抓app包 抓到一半不好用了

Jmeter 抓app包 抓到一半不好用了

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java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
	at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
	at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:350)
	at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:206)
	at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:188)
	at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:392)
	at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:589)
	at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(PlainSocketFactory.java:121)
	at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.openConnection(DefaultClientConnectionOperator.java:180)
	at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.hc.ManagedClientConnectionImpl.open(ManagedClientConnectionImpl.java:318)
	at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.MeasuringConnectionManager$MeasuredConnection.open(MeasuringConnectionManager.java:114)
	at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.tryConnect(DefaultRequestDirector.java:610)
	at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(DefaultRequestDirector.java:445)
	at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.doExecute(AbstractHttpClient.java:835)
	at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(CloseableHttpClient.java:83)
	at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.executeRequest(HTTPHC4Impl.java:697)
	at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.sample(HTTPHC4Impl.java:455)
	at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerProxy.sample(HTTPSamplerProxy.java:74)
	at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase.sample(HTTPSamplerBase.java:1189)
	at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.proxy.Proxy.run(Proxy.java:235)


2018-07-20 01:37:13,292 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53115] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:37:14,122 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53116] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake

2018-07-20 01:37:21,154 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53117] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:37:40,738 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53118] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake

2018-07-20 01:37:48,308 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53120] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:37:48,355 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53121] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:37:48,606 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53122] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:37:49,062 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53123] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:37:49,920 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53124] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:37:51,582 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53125] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:37:54,844 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53126] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:37:57,465 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53127] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:38:00,289 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53128] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:38:01,300 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53129] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:38:06,466 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [50760] Empty response to http over SSL. Probably waiting for user to authorize the certificate for f11.baidu.com:443
2018-07-20 01:38:06,467 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [50780] Empty response to http over SSL. Probably waiting for user to authorize the certificate for f12.baidu.com:443
2018-07-20 01:38:06,467 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [50604] Empty response to http over SSL. Probably waiting for user to authorize the certificate for s.cpro.baidu.com:443
2018-07-20 01:38:06,468 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [50670] Empty response to http over SSL. Probably waiting for user to authorize the certificate for t11.baidu.com:443
2018-07-20 01:38:06,841 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53130] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:38:07,610 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53131] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:38:08,108 INFO o.a.j.p.h.p.ProxyControl: [53132] Creating entry gsp64-ssl.ls.apple.com in /Users/chenziyan/Desktop/jmeter4.0/bin/proxyserver.jks
2018-07-20 01:38:10,355 INFO o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53132] KeyStore for SSL loaded OK and put host ‘gsp64-ssl.ls.apple.com‘ in map with key (gsp64-ssl.ls.apple.com)
2018-07-20 01:38:14,160 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53133] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:38:17,617 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53134] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:38:33,770 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53135] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:38:39,412 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53136] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:38:39,814 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53137] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:38:54,309 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53140] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:39:00,121 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53141] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:39:01,874 WARN o.a.j.p.h.p.Proxy: [53143] Problem with SSL certificate for url for ‘gateway.icloud.com‘? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: Remote host closed connection during handshake
2018-07-20 01:39:08,849 INFO o.a.j.p.h.p.Daemon: HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder stopped

Jmeter 抓app包 抓到一半不好用了