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For the U.S. and China, a Technology Cold War That’s Freezing Over
Acold war is being waged across the world’s most advanced industries. And it just got a lot chillier.
Recent tit-for-tat trade actions could deepen what has become a global contest for technological

dominance between the United States and China, home to the planet’s largest population of internet
users and a flourishing community of start-ups and innovative companies.
The Trump administration this week accused Beijing of stealing valuable technological know-how
from American companies as it proposed tariffs on $60 billion in Chinese goods and curbs on
Chinese investments. China responded with its own set of penalties aimed at American products.
本周,特朗普政府在提議對價值 600 億美元(約合 3800 億元人民幣)的中國商品征收關稅並
The fight between the two countries is cleaving the high-tech realm. The world’s two biggest
economies have each become increasingly protective of their own leading-edge industries, and
mistrustful of the other’s. Reconciliation looks difficult. And the rising tensions could further
undercutAmerican influence in a huge and fast-changing market.
Both sides have been putting up defensive walls for years.
To stay in business in China, Apple has had to set up a data center there to store Chinese customers’
personal information. Amazon recently had to sell equipment to its Chinese cloud services partner to
comply with new Chinese rules. Facebook and Twitter are blocked in the country; newer American
players, such as Snap, are not even trying to enter anymore.
In the United States, regulators have repeatedly thwarted attempts by Chinese tech groups to acquire
American firms. And espionage concerns have for years kept Huawei — one of the world’s biggest
suppliers of telecom gear, and a powerhouse of China’s tech scene — largely out of the American

The Trump administration says it wants to level the playing field, dishing out to Chinese companies
the kind of treatment thatAmerican ones have been receiving in China for some time.
“China’s abilities and ambitions have shifted much further up the value-added chain, to tech that
represents our crown jewels economically and that is relevant for national security,” said Scott
Kennedy, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “So there’s no
way to kick this can down the road anymore.”
的技術,”華盛頓國際戰略研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)的研究員斯科
特·肯尼迪(Scott Kennedy)說。“所以不能再拖延下去了。”
Still, as much as American companies complain about how they are treated in China, it could get
even worse if Beijing amplifies its retaliation beyond the tariffs, announced Friday, on $3 billion
worth of goods.
盡管美國公司抱怨自己在中國的遭遇,但如果北京在周五宣布對價值 30 億美元的商品加征關
China could require that foreign tech companies undergo costly additional tests for new products, or
simply make it more difficult to operate in the country. Apple, whose iPhones remain coveted among
well-off Chinese, made nearly $18 billion in the country in the last quarter of 2017. Qualcomm, the
San Diego microchip maker, has earned half its revenue in China in recent years.
務的難度。蘋果 2017 年最後一個季度在中國賺了近 180 億美元,它旗下的 iPhone 依然頗受中
It could also devise new regulatory hoops for foreign companies to jump through. China’s Ministry
of Commerce has not yet approved Qualcomm’s proposed, $44 billion purchase of NXP
Semiconductors, a Dutch chip maker. The deal, more than a year in the making, needs a signoff from
Chinese antitrust authorities because the two companies count a large number of electronics makers
in China as customers.
它還可以為外國公司設置新的監管障礙。中國商務部尚未批準高通提出的 440 億美元收購荷蘭
芯片制造商 NXP 半導體(NXP Semiconductors)的計劃。由於中國大量電子設備制造商是這兩家
Both countries’efforts to kneecap each other’s tech champions are as much about national security as
economic might. Likewise with the race to dominate frontier fields such as artificial intelligence,
quantum computing and next-generation wireless internet. Mr. Trump recently blocked a hostile bid
by Broadcom to buy Qualcomm. He did so not because the bidder was Chinese — Broadcom is
headquartered in Singapore — but because the administration said the deal would weaken
Qualcomm, leaving Huawei with a stronger hand to shape 5G, or fifth-generation mobile technology.

通總部設在新加坡——而是因為特朗普政府說該交易會削弱高通,讓華為塑造 5G 即第五代移
This is why the present tensions are so difficult to resolve. In a previous era, Japan was a
technological rival but a military ally. The Soviet Union was a tech rival in defense, though a laggard
in the commercial sphere.
“The U.S. and China have so intertwined their science and technology systems through trade and
investment and cooperative research — but see each other, and continue to see each other, as
strategic competitors and adversaries,” said Adam Segal, a tech and security expert at the Council on
Foreign Relations. “That hasn’t happened before.”
都將對方視為——且會一直視為——戰略對手和敵人,”外交關系委員會(Council on Foreign
Relations)技術和安全專家亞當·謝加爾(Adam Segal)說。“這之前從未有過。”
China’s angst about foreign tech dominance runs deep.
For most of the past decade, Beijing has blocked many American internet services, including
Facebook’s and Google’s, to control the flow of information and head off social media-fueled
movements such as theArab Spring.
過去十年內的大部分時間,北京一直屏蔽包括Facebook 和Google在內的許多美國互聯網服務,
Another great paroxysm of worry came in 2013, when Edward J. Snowden leaked
documents showing ties between American technology providers and the National Security Agency’s
vast surveillance program.
2013 年,愛德華·J·斯諾登(Edward J. Snowden)披露的文件顯示了美國技術服務商與美國國家安
For China, “one of the major takeaways was, ‘We are overly reliant on American technology over
which we have very little control,’” said Rogier Creemers, a scholar of Chinese tech policy at Leiden
University in the Netherlands.
了,’”荷蘭萊頓大學(Leiden University)研究中國科技政策的學者羅吉爾·克裏米爾斯(Rogier

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