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目前手裏的電子書(2018-08-15 00:24)

SAS Programming I
SAS Programming II
SAS Programming III
don‘t be a SAS dinosaur Modernize Your SAS Programs
The Little SAS Book A Primer, Fifth Edition 5th Edition【節選】

The Little SAS Book for Enterprise Guide 4.2【節選】
SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 - Institute for Advanced Analytics


2013年07月03日 23:58:19

General Statistics
The Little SAS Book, for Enterprise Guide 4.2 by Susan J. Slaughter and Lora D. Delwiche
The Little SAS Book, Fourth Edition by Lora Delwiche and Susan Slaughter
The Little SAS Book, Third Edition by Lora Delwiche and Susan Slaughter (16 copies)
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language by Ronald Cody and Jeffrey Smith
A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using SAS by  Brian S. Everitt and Geoff Der
SAS Statistics by Example by Ron Cody
Quick Results with SAS/GRAPH Software by Art Carpenter and Charles E. Shipp
Maps Made Easy Using SAS by Mike Zdeb
Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples Second Edition by Glenn A. Walker
Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples by Glenn Walke
SAS Essentials:  Mastering SAS for Research by Alan C. Elliott and Wayne A. Woodward
Just Enough SAS:  A Quick-start Guide to SAS for Engineers by Robert A. Rutledge

Data Cleaning and Data Management
Cody‘s Data Cleaning Techniques using SAS Software by Ron Cody
Concepts and Case Studies in Data Management by William S. Calvert and Meimei Ma
Health Care Data and the SAS System by  Marge Scerbo, Craig Dickstein, and Alan Wilson
Longitudinal Data and SAS: A Programmer‘s Guide by Ron Cody
Debugging SAS Programs: A Handbook of Tools and Techniques by Michele M. Burlew
Efficiency: Improving the Performance of Your SAS Applications by  Robert Virgile
Reading External Data Files Using SAS:  Examples Handbook by Michele M. Burew

Multiple Comparisons and Multiple Tests using the SAS System by Peter Westfall et. al.
Multiple Comparisons and Multiple Tests Workbook by Peter Westfall et. al.
SAS System for Mixed Models, Second Edition by Ramon Littell, George Milliken, Walter Stroup, Russell Wolfinger and Oliver Schabenberger
SAS System for Mixed Models by Ramon Littell, George Milliken, Walter Stroup and Russell Wolfinge
Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS Software, Second Edition by Ravindra Khattree and Dayanand N. Naik
Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS Software by Ravidra Khattree and Dayanand Naik
Multivariate Data Reduction and Discrimination with SAS Software by Ravindra Khattree and Dayanand N. Naik
Regression and ANOVA: An Integrated Approach Using SAS Software by Keith E. Muller and Bethel A. Fetterman

Regression Methods
SAS System for Linear Models, Fourth Edition by Ramon Littell, Walter W. Stroup and Rudolf Fruend
SAS System for Linear Models, Third Edition by Ramon Littell, Rudolf Fruend, and Philip Specto
Fixed Effects Regression Methods for Longitudinal Data Using SAS by Paul D. Allison
Univariate and Multivariate General Linear Models: Theory and Applications Using SAS Software by Neil H. Timm and Tammy A. Mieczkowski.
Regression and Anova: An Integrated Approach Using SAS Software by Keith E. Muller and Bethel A. Fetterman (filed under SAS ANOVA)

Logistic and Categorical Dependent Variables
Logistic Regression Examples Using the SAS System by SAS Institute
Logistic Regression Using the SAS System: Theory and Application by Paul D. Allison
Categorical Data Analysis Using the SAS System, Second Edition by Maura Stokes, Charles Davis and Gary Koch
Categorical Data Analysis Using the SAS System by Maura Stokes, Charles Davis and Gary Koch
Visualizing Categorical Data by Michael Friendly
Advanced Log-Linear Models Using SAS by Daniel Zelterman

Survival Analysis
Survival Analysis Using the SAS System: A Practical Guide by Paul D. Allison (2 copies)
Extending SAS Survival Analysis Techniques for Medical Research by Alan Cantor

Time Series
Forecasting Examples for Business and Economics using the SAS System by the SAS Institute
SAS for Forecasting Time Series, Second Edition by John C. Brocklebank and David A. Dickey
SAS/ETS Software: Applications Guide 1, Timer Series Modeling and Forecasting, Financial Reporting and Loan Analysis by SAS Institute

Other Statistical
Mixed Models Analyses Using SAS (Course Notes)
A Step-by-Step Approach to Using the SAS System for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling by Dr. Larry Hatcher
Applied Econometrics Using the SAS System by Vivek B. Ajmani
Conducting Meta-Analysis Using SAS by Winfred Arthur, Jr.; Winston Bennett, Jr.; and Allen I. Huffcutt
Data Mining Using SAS Applications by George Fernandez
SAS for Monte Carlo Studies:  A Guide for Quantitative Researchers by Xitao Fan, Akos Felsovalyi, Stephen A. Sivo and Sean C. Keenan
Genetic Analysis of Complex Traits Using SAS Edited by Arnold M. Saxton
Customer Segmentation and Clustering Using SAS Enterprise Miner, Second Edition by Randall S. Collica

SAS Macro Programming Made Easy by Michele M. Burlew
Carpenters Guide to the SAS Macro Language by Art Carpenter
SAS Macro Facility: Tips and Techniques
The Complete Guide to the SAS Output Delivery System, Version 8 by SAS Publishing
Output Delivery System, the Basics by Lauren Haworth
Statistical Graphics Procedures by Example:  Effective Graphs Using SAS by Sanjay Matange and Dan Heath
Quick Results with the Output Delivery System by Sunil Gupta
Annotate: Simply the Basics by Art Carpenter
Painless Windows (Second Edition) A Handbook for SAS Users by Jodie Gilmore
Professional SAS Programming Shortcuts by Rick Aster
SAS Programming 3:  Advanced Techniques and Efficiencies (Course Notes)




Tips:但是看這本書有個缺點就是,幾乎列出了所有過程步或者數據步的 選項,如果要全看下來,估計對於初學者的信心是一個很大的挑戰。我剛開始看的時候被搞得一頭霧水,後來才發現大多數選擇項幾乎很少用到,所以建議初學者在第一遍看這本書的時候盡量挑些常用的選項理解一下意思就可以了,看不懂的快速的跳過,主要是通過例子來揣摩和理解語句的意思可能會好一點。這本書看下來,基本對sas的語句語法什麽的會有一個大體的了解。


3.《The Little SAS Book》雖然是英文,但是其實還是灰常容易讀懂的,基本上都是短句,也沒有什麽生僻的詞匯,並且思路很清晰,推薦英語好的同學看這個,PS:其實英語不好的童鞋更應該看這本,正好借此機會學習下英語,一舉兩得。

1. 2010 SAS統計分析教程 胡良平
2. 2010 SAS實驗設計與統計分析 胡良平
3. 2009 SAS統計分析從入門到精通 阮敬
4. 2009 時間序列分析與SAS應用 肖枝洪
5. 2009 SAS軟件實用教程 張瑛
6. 2008 SAS數據分析系統教程 陳穎
7. 2008 SAS統計分析應用 董大鈞
8. 2008 多元統計及SAS應用 余家林
9. 2008 SAS數據分析範例 範金城
10. 2007 SAS與統計分析 胡希遠
11. 2007 SAS軟件與統計應用教程 汪遠征
12. 2007 醫學統計學及SAS應用 王炳順
13. 2007 SAS統計軟件 周仁郁
14. 2006 SAS8.2統計軟件應用教程 賀佳,陸健
16. 2006 SAS統計分析教程 唐燕瓊
16. 2006 醫用SAS統計分析 金丕煥,蘇炳華,賀佳
17. 2006 SAS社會統計實用教程 蔡建平
18. 2006 數據分析方法和SAS系統 鄧祖新
19. 2006 SAS統計分析及應用 黃燕
20. 2005 統計分析系統SAS 何寧
21. 2005 統計分析與SAS軟件 黃平,梁滿發
22. 2005 SAS統計分析 沈其君
23. 2004 SAS for Windows (v8) 統計分析系統教程新編 洪楠
24. 2004 統計分析方法: SAS實例精選 曲慶雲
25. 2004 重復測量資料分析方法與SAS程序 余松林
26. 2004 中醫臨床研究設計與SAS編程統計分析 胡立勝,周強
27. 2003 醫學統計學習題與SAS實驗 郭秀花
28. 2003 SAS統計分析實用大全 阮桂海
29. 2003 SAS系統與經濟統計分析 嶽朝龍
30. 2002 分類數據的統計分析及SAS編程 劉勤,金丕煥
31. 2002 SAS系統和數據分析 鄧祖新
32. 2002 SAS程序設計 王惠群
33. 2002 統計應用軟件: EXCEL和SAS 朱建中
34. 2001 SAS系統?Base_SAS軟件使用手冊 高惠璇
35. 2001 SAS基礎及統計實例教程 胡小平,王長發
36. 2001 實用統計方法與SAS系統 高惠璇
