1. 程式人生 > >struts-config.xml 文件:

struts-config.xml 文件:

alias inf void 聯系 section err nac nocache 文件的


SNInterceptor & 描述
1 struts-config
This is the root node of the configuration file.
2 form-beans
This is where you map your ActionForm subclass to a name. You use this name as an alias for your ActionForm throughout the rest of the struts-config.xml file, and even on your JSP pages.
3 global forwards
This section maps a page on your webapp to a name. You can use this name to refer to the actual page. This avoids hardcoding URLs on your web pages.
4 action-mappings
This is where you declare form handlers and they are also known as action mappings.
5 controller
This section configures Struts internals and rarely used in practical situations.
6 plug-in
This section tells Struts where to find your properties files, which contain prompts and error messages


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN"


   <!-- ========== Form Bean Definitions ============ -->
      <form-bean name="login" type="test.struts.LoginForm" />

   <!-- ========== Global Forward Definitions ========= -->

   <!-- ========== Action Mapping Definitions ======== -->
         type="test.struts.LoginAction" >

         <forward name="valid" path="/jsp/MainMenu.jsp" />
         <forward name="invalid" path="/jsp/LoginView.jsp" />

   <!-- ========== Controller Definitions ======== -->



struts-config.xml 文件: