阿新 • • 發佈:2018-09-01
etc 動態 cep ase 地址 prot emc efi net python實例
#!/usr/bin/env python import re import sys import subprocess #定義配置ip地址函數 def configip(fname,ip_addr,if_ind): content = ‘‘‘TYPE=Ethernet BOOTPROTO=none NAME=eth%s DEVICE=eth%s ONBOOT=yes IPADDR=%s PREFIX=24 ‘‘‘ % (if_ind,if_ind,ip_addr) with open(fname,‘w‘) as fobj: fobj.write(content) #定義檢測ip地址是否合法函數 def check_ip(ip_addr): m = re.match(r‘(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$‘,ip_addr) if not m: return False return True #定義配置主機名函數 def config_hostname(): fhostname = ‘/etc/hostname‘ hostname = raw_input(‘Input You Hostname: ‘) with open(fhostname,‘w‘) as fobj: fobj.write(hostname) subprocess.Popen(‘hostname %s ‘ % hostname,shell=True) #定義顯示菜單函數 def show_menu(): prompt = ‘‘‘Configure IP Address: (0)eth0 (1)eth1 (2)eth2 (3)eth3 Your choice(0/1/2/3):‘‘‘ try: if_ind = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0] except: print ‘Invalid raw_input.‘ sys.exit(1) if if_ind not in ‘0123‘: print ‘Wrong Selection. Use 0/1/2/3/‘ sys.exit(2) fname = ‘/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth%s‘ % if_ind ip_addr = raw_input(‘ip address: ‘).strip() result = check_ip(ip_addr) if not result: print ‘Invalid ip address!‘ sys.exit(3) configip(fname,ip_addr,if_ind) subprocess.Popen(‘systemctl restart network‘,shell=True) print ‘\033[32;1mConfigure ip address done. Please execute "systemctl restart NetworkManager"\033[0m‘ if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: main_menu = ‘‘‘(0)config_hostname (1)config_ipaddr Your choice(0/1)‘‘‘ try: ind = raw_input(main_menu).strip()[0] except: print ‘Invalid raw_input.‘ sys.exit(4) if ind not in ‘01‘: print ‘Wrong Selection. Use 0/1‘ sys.exit(5) if ind == ‘0‘: config_hostname() show_menu() 備註: 1. 通過指定方式的辦法來獲取地址,如果未指定的化可能會出現問題,有三種模式:static 靜態ip;dhcp 動態ip;none 無(不指定) 2. m = re.match(r‘(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$‘,ip_addr) # r 表示 raw string(原始字符串常量),用於規避反斜杠的轉義