[RxJS] Implement RxJS `switchMap` by Canceling Inner Subscriptions as Values are Passed Through
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-09-27
nbsp cal nat chm cancel can delay event next
is mergeMap
that checks for an "inner" subscription. If the "inner" subscription exists, switchMap
unsubscribes from that "inner" subscription which effectively "cancels" any pending pushes.
import { fromEvent, of, Subscriber } from "rxjs" import { scan, delay, mergeMap, switchMap }from "rxjs/operators" class MySwitchMapSubscriber extends Subscriber { innerSubscription constructor(sub, fn) { super(sub) this.fn = fn } _next(value) { console.log(`outer`, value) const o$ = this.fn(value) if (this.innerSubscription) { this.innerSubscription.unsubscribe()} this.innerSubscription = o$.subscribe({ next: value => { console.log(` inner`, value) this.destination.next(value) } }) } } const mySwitchMap = fn => source => source.lift({ call(sub, source) { source.subscribe(new MySwitchMapSubscriber(sub, fn) ) } }) const observable$ = fromEvent( document, "click" ).pipe( scan(i => i + 1, 0), mySwitchMap(value => of(value).pipe(delay(500))) ) const subscriber = { next: value => { console.log(value) }, complete: () => { console.log("done") }, error: value => { console.log(value) } } observable$.subscribe(subscriber)
[RxJS] Implement RxJS `switchMap` by Canceling Inner Subscriptions as Values are Passed Through