DevOps之六 shell以及pipeline 命令部署
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-10-08
ans push star roo print too process haier lsi
一 使用shell命啟動spring boot 項目
1. 使用shell停止當前項目
#!/bin/sh main() { clear pid=`ps -ef|grep xx.jar|grep -v grep|grep -v kill|awk ‘{print $2}‘` if [ -n ${pid} ]; then echo ‘start Kill Process --->‘ kill -9 $pid until [ -n $tempPid ] do echo ‘Killing Process ... ...‘ sleep 2 tempPid=`ps -ef|grep xx.jar|grep -v grep|grep -v kill|awk ‘{print $2}‘` done echo ‘killed device.jar <---‘ fi } main $1
2. 使用shell拷貝替換要啟動的Java包
#!/bin/sh target=/home/robot/device/jar/xx.jar if [ -f $target ]; then rm -rf $target fi cp -rf /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/robot-device/target/xx.jar $target
3. 使用shell啟動Java包
#!/bin/sh echo "賦權限" chmod -R 777 /home/robot/device/jar/xx.jar java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5007-jar /home/robot/device/jar/xx.jar
#!/bin/sh nohup sh>starup-api.log 2>&1 &
二 使用shell以及docker命令 生成鏡像
docker build -t haier-robot-alarm:1.0.0 . docker login -u hollysys -p 1234 hollysys-xian docker push haier-robot-alarm:1.0.0
三 使用pipeline命令發布程序
node{ def mvnHome stage(‘Preparation‘) { // Get some code from a GitHub repository git branch: ‘stage‘, credentialsId: ‘4ea34875-7eb6-4c8b-b9b2-f437a0aa5fb2‘, url: ‘‘ } stage("build-web"){ dir(‘/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/robot-zuul-cd/webroot‘) { //sh "rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/robot-zuul-cd/src/main/resources/static/*" git branch: ‘stage‘, credentialsId: ‘4ea34875-7eb6-4c8b-b9b2-f437a0aa5fb2‘, url: ‘‘ //replace to the target hiacloud API_URL sh returnStdout: true, script: ‘‘‘sed -i "s/const baseUrl = \‘http\\:\\/\\/\\:9000\‘;/\\/\\/const baseUrl = \‘http\\:\\/\\/\\:9000\‘;/g" src/api/Ajax.js sed -i "s/\\/\\/const baseUrl = process.API_URL;/const baseUrl = process.API_URL;/g" src/api/Ajax.js‘‘‘ sh "npm install" sh "npm run production" } } stage(‘Build‘) { mvnHome = tool ‘M3‘ echo "maven home is ${mvnHome}" echo "${env.PATH}" def JAVA_HOME JAVA_HOME= tool ‘JDK1.8‘ echo "${JAVA_HOME}" env.JAVA_HOME=JAVA_HOME sh "pwd" sh "‘${mvnHome}/bin/mvn‘ clean package -DskipTests -X" } stage(‘push docker‘){ sh "docker build -t haier-robot-zuul:1.0.0 ." sh "docker login -u hollysys -p 1234 hollysys-xian" sh "docker push haier-robot-zuul:1.0.0" } }
DevOps之六 shell以及pipeline 命令部署