Windowns API 第24篇 WTSEnumerateSessions 枚舉session信息
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-10-08
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函數原型: BOOL WTSEnumerateSessions( HANDLE hServer, DWORD Reserved, DWORD Version, PWTS_SESSION_INFO* ppSessionInfo, DWORD* pCount ); 作用:對當前系統的session信息進行枚舉。 參數說明: hServer:指定要對終端斷服務枚舉的句柄,本機可以的話可以為WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, 或者NULL Reserved:系統保留位,必須為0 Version:指定枚舉請求的版本,必須為1 ppSessionInfo:一個WTS_SESSION_INFO結構 可以看一下該結構的定義: typedef struct _WTS_SESSION_INFO { DWORD SessionId; LPTSTR pWinStationName; WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS State; } WTS_SESSION_INFO, * PWTS_SESSION_INFO; 該結構中包含繪畫ID, Windows空間站名,session的狀態,此狀態為枚舉值。再次看下一結構 typedef enum _WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS { WTSActive, // User logged on to WinStation WTSConnected, // WinStation connected to client WTSConnectQuery, // In the process of connecting to client WTSShadow, // Shadowing another WinStation WTSDisconnected, // WinStation logged on without client WTSIdle, // Waiting for client to connect WTSListen, // WinStation is listening for connection WTSReset, // WinStation is being reset WTSDown, // WinStation is down due to error WTSInit, // WinStation in initialization } WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS; pCount:返回Session的數量,為輸出參數 舉例說明:
void main() { PWTS_SESSION_INFO psi; DWORD dwCount; BOOL bRet = WTSEnumerateSessions(WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, 0, 1, &psi, &dwCount); if (!bRet) return 0; wstring strName; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dwCount; i ++) { printf("%s \t", psi[i].pWinStationName); printf("%d \t", psi[i].SessionId); printf("%d \n", psi[i].State); } WTSFreeMemory(psi); }
Windowns API 第24篇 WTSEnumerateSessions 枚舉session信息