cloudera-scm-agent dead but pid file exists
/opt/cm-5.7.0/etc/init.d/cloudera-scm-agent status
cloudera-scm-agent dead but pid file exists
No socket could be created on (‘testintf.novalocal‘, 9000) -- [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address
cloudera-scm-agent dead but pid file exists
cloudera-scm-agent dead but pid file exists
could res status gen -- created ova errno sign 錯誤描述: /opt/cm-5.7.0/etc/init.d/cloudera-scm-agent status cloudera-scm-agent dead but pid f
查詢docker狀態報錯:docker dead but pid file exists
背景 在CentOS 6上為了使用docker,於是升級了核心到3.10版本,然後安裝repo源和docker元件, yum install epel-release yum install docke
MYSQL dead but pid file exists問題
伺服器突然斷電,造成MySQL資料庫啟動不了的問題,現象如下: [[email protected] html]# service mysql51-mysqld start kill 31011: No such process Another MySQL da
mysql啟動報錯,提示MySQL is not running, but PID file exists
mysql所在機器關機重啟後,mysql無法啟動,啟動一直報錯MySQL is not running, but PID file exists, 嘗試了所有的啟動方式,都無法啟動,在使用mysqld
failed to create pid file /var/run/ File exists報錯
creat idata color gre failed pla exists style nbsp [root@pcidata-jenkins ansible_playbooks]# ps aux|grep rsyncroot 1799 0.0 0.0 11
MySQL is running but PID file could not be found(解決方法)
啟動MySQL時報錯: [[email protected] /]# service mysqld status MySQL is running but PID file could not be found [失敗] 解決辦法: 找到並kill掉
部署CM報錯(3):啟動agent報錯Starting cloudera-scm-agent: [FAILED]
一、問題描述 啟動cm的server成功,啟動agent的時候報錯,如下: [[email protected] init.d]# ./cloudera-scm-agent start Starting cloudera-scm-agent: [FAILED] 二、問題原因
MySQL is running but PID file could not be found 解決方案
今天碰到一個問題,伺服器異常關閉,mysql無法啟動,檢視mysql 狀態service mysqld status都提示:MySQL is running but PID file could not be found。 解決方法: 使用ps -elf |
Clouder Manager安裝時出現please remove the following file: /etc/cloudera-scm-server/db.properties問題解決(圖文詳解)
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Centos安裝完MariaDB後啟動不了 MySQL is not running, but lock file (/var/lock/subsys/mysql) exists
[[email protected] subsys]# service mysql startStarting MySQL. ERROR! [[email protected] subsys]# service mysql status ERROR! MySQL is not runnin
The server quit without updating PID file 報錯
art launch quit not date some -s install clean mysql.server start 報錯:The server quit without updating PID file (/usr/local/var/mysql/zhan
git提交代碼出現錯誤fatal: Unable to create '項目路徑/.git/index.lock': File exists.
log stack sts exists 下一個 flow code .cn create git提交代碼出現錯誤fatal: Unable to create ‘項目路徑/.git/index.lock‘: File exists. 具體出錯代碼如下: 具體原因不詳
MySQL提示:The server quit without updating PID file問題的解決辦法
刪除 沒有 關閉 file title 錯誤日誌 可能 service 重新啟動 轉 今天網站web頁面提交內容到數據庫,發現出錯了,一直提交不了,數找了下原因,發現數據寫不進去!第一反應,重啟my
Starting MySQL....The server quit without updating PID file[失敗]/lib/mysql/ 錯誤一例
bold title lan char .net 失敗 etc nbsp 啟動會 [[email protected]/* */ etc]# service mysqld startStarting MySQL....The server quit withou
MySQL server PID file could not be found!
blog 做的 所有 寫的權限 如果 rate data 重啟 一個個 重啟mysql提示MySQL server PID file could not be found! Starting MySQL...The server quit without updating
啟動mysql報錯 -- ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file
bash cal down tar bsp 二進制 pda you log-bin 開發說某個測試環境的mysql,無法重啟了,報以下錯誤提示: # service mysqld restart Shutting down MySQL.. SUCCESS! Starti
mysql Starting MySQL..The server quit without updating PID file
ati mod grep disabled 不存在 upd entos 開啟 targe 可能的原因和解決辦法 1.可能是/usr/local/mysql/data/rekfan.pid文件沒有寫的權限解決方法 :給予權限,執行 chown -R mysql:mysql
Mysql啟報錯報The server quit without updating PID file
oca use log pre user ado 1.5 tle 分享 mysql 安裝時候安裝後啟動不成功報錯:Starting MySQL.. ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/data/mysql/2
PID file /run/zabbix/ not readable (yet?) after start. 報錯解決
分享圖片 inf red tar cal 報錯解決 status system and 報錯如下: [root@localhost zabbix]# systemctl start zabbix-server Job for zabbix-server.service
解決報錯:The server quit without updating PID file
MySQL 報錯 The 今天晚上要做一個開啟MySQL bin-log日誌的變更。在關閉數據庫後,修改參數文件,在mysqld下加上(一定要在mysqld下加上),即可開啟mysql的binlog日誌[mysqld]log-bin=mysql-bin修改完參數後啟動數據庫,數據庫無法啟動,報一下