1. 程式人生 > >CF896C Willem, Chtholly and Seniorious

CF896C Willem, Chtholly and Seniorious

第一篇 sta long sync hot mat += first bool









struct Nodes
    ll l, r;
    mutable ll val;
    Nodes(ll l, ll r = -1, ll val = 0): l(l), r(r), val(val){}
    bool operator < (const Nodes &rhs) const
        return l < rhs.l;
std::set<Nodes> chotholly;









typedef long long ll;
const int maxn = 100005;

ll n, m, seed, vmax;
struct Nodes
    ll l, r;
    mutable ll val;
    Nodes(ll l, ll r = -1, ll val = 0): l(l), r(r), val(val){}
    bool operator < (const Nodes &rhs) const
        return l < rhs.l;
std::set<Nodes> chotholly;
struct Temp
    ll len, val;
    Temp(ll len, ll val): len(len), val(val){}
    bool operator < (const Temp &rhs) const
        return val < rhs.val;
#define IT std::set<Nodes>::iterator
void print(IT it)
    std::cout << it->l << ‘ ‘ << it->r << ‘ ‘ << it->val << std::endl;
IT split(ll pos)// get iterator starting from a[pos]
    IT it = chotholly.lower_bound(Nodes(pos));
    if(it != chotholly.end() && it->l == pos) return it;
    ll l = it->l, r = it->r, val = it->val;
    chotholly.insert(Nodes(l, pos - 1, val));
    return chotholly.insert(Nodes(pos, r, val)).first;
void assign(ll l, ll r, ll x)
    IT itl = split(l), itr = split(r + 1);
    chotholly.erase(itl, itr);
    chotholly.insert(Nodes(l, r, x));
void interval_add(ll l, ll r, ll x)
    IT itl = split(l), itr = split(r + 1);
    for(; itl != itr; ++itl) itl->val += x;
ll kth(ll l, ll r, ll k)
    std::vector<Temp> vec;
    IT itl = split(l), itr = split(r + 1);
    for(; itl != itr; ++itl) vec.push_back(Temp(itl->r - itl->l + 1, itl->val));
    std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
    for(std::vector<Temp>::iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it)
        k -= it->len;
        if(k <= 0) return it->val;
    return -1ll;
ll pow_mod(ll x, ll y, ll z)
    ll ans = 1; x %= z;// 不取膜你會死在第3個測試點
        if(y & 1) ans = ans * x % z;
        x = x * x % z;
        y >>= 1;
    return ans % z;
ll ssum(ll l, ll r, ll x, ll y)
    ll ans = 0;
    IT itl = split(l), itr = split(r + 1);
    for(; itl != itr; ++itl)
        ans = (ans + (itl->r - itl->l + 1) * pow_mod(itl->val, x, y)) % y;
    return ans % y;
ll rnd()
    ll ret = seed;
    seed = (seed * 7 + 13) % 1000000007;
    return ret;
int main()
    std::cin >> n >> m >> seed >> vmax;
    for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        ll a_i = (rnd() % vmax) + 1;
        chotholly.insert(Nodes(i, i, a_i));
    chotholly.insert(Nodes(n + 1, n + 1, 0));// 不知道為什麽
    for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
        ll opt, l, r, x, y;
        opt = (rnd() % 4) + 1;
        l = (rnd() % n) + 1;
        r = (rnd() % n) + 1;
        if(l > r) std::swap(l, r);
        if(opt == 3) x = (rnd() % (r - l + 1)) + 1;
        else x = (rnd() % vmax) + 1;
        if(opt == 4) y = (rnd() % vmax) + 1;
        if(opt == 1) interval_add(l, r, x);
        else if(opt == 2) assign(l, r, x);
        else if(opt == 3) std::cout << kth(l, r, x) << std::endl;
        else if(opt == 4) std::cout << ssum(l, r, x, y) << std::endl;
    return 0;

CF896C Willem, Chtholly and Seniorious