Python 操作Excel
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-10-29
column block desktop 數值 file 創建 ngs https xls
Code Sample
- Excel讀操作示例
#coding=utf-8 import xlrd #路徑前加 r,讀取的文件路徑 file_path = r‘c:/Users/yuvmtest/Desktop/testdata.xlsx‘ #獲取數據 data = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path) #獲取sheet table = data.sheet_by_name(‘Sheet0‘) #獲取總行數 nrows = table.nrows #獲取總列數 ncols = table.ncols print("總行數: %d,總列數: %d" % (nrows, ncols)) #獲取一行的數值,例如第2行 rowvalue = table.row_values(2) #獲取一列的數值,例如第3列 col_values = table.col_values(3) #獲取一個單元格的數值,例如第2行第3列 cell_value = table.cell(2, 3).value print(rowvalue) print(col_values)
- Excel 寫操作示例
# excel 寫操作示例 import xlsxwriter workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(‘d:\yuexceltest.xlsx‘) # 創建一個Excel文件 worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(‘test1‘) # 創建一個sheet title = [U‘列名1‘, U‘列名2‘] # 表格title worksheet.write_row(‘A1‘, title) # title寫入Excel headings = [‘a‘, ‘b‘, ‘c‘, ‘d‘] data = [ [1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6], [3, 6, 9] ] # 按行插入數據 worksheet.write_row(‘A4‘, headings) # 按列插入數據 worksheet.write_column(‘A5‘, data[0]) worksheet.write_column(‘B5‘, data[1]) worksheet.write_column(‘C5‘, data[2]) # 插入多行數據 for i in range(10): row = i + 8 row_number = ‘A‘ + str(row) worksheet.write_row(row_number, str(row*2)) workbook.close()
Creating Excel files with Python and XlsxWriter
Python 操作Excel