Trees On the Level
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-10-31
tree %d memset 坑爹 code ++ \n ont -s
Trees On the Level
竟然還有 (,) ()
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cctype> const int MAXN=256+1; char s[MAXN]; struct Node { int val; bool have; Node *left,*right; Node(int v=0,Node* l=NULL,Node* r=NULL):val(v),left(l),right(r) { have=false; } }*root,*q[MAXN]; int front=0,rear=0; void printAns(Node* root,int ok) { if(ok==0) { printf("not complete\n"); return; } front=rear=0; q[rear++]=root; while(front<rear) { Node *u=q[front++]; if(u->have==false) { ok=0; break; } if(u->left!=NULL)q[rear++]=u->left; if(u->right!=NULL)q[rear++]=u->right; } if(ok==0) { printf("not complete\n"); return; } front=0; printf("%d",q[front++]->val); while(front<rear)printf(" %d",q[front++]->val); printf("\n"); } Node* newNode() { return new Node(0,NULL,NULL); } void insert(int val,char s[],int& ok) { Node *u=root; int m=strlen(s); for(int i=0; i<m; i++) { if(s[i]==‘L‘) { if(u->left==NULL)u->left=newNode(); u=u->left; } if(s[i]==‘R‘) { if(u->right==NULL)u->right=newNode(); u=u->right; } } if(u->have==true)ok=0; else { u->val=val; u->have=true; } return; } void del(Node* u) { if(u->left!=NULL)del(u->left); if(u->right!=NULL)del(u->right); delete u; } int main() { int ok=1,val=0; root=newNode(); while(scanf("%s",s)==1) { if(!strcmp(s,"()")) { printAns(root,ok); ok=1; del(root); root=newNode(); memset(s,0,sizeof(s)); memset(q,0,sizeof(q)); } else { if(!isdigit(s[1]))ok=0; else sscanf(s+1,"%d",&val); int pos=strchr(s,‘,‘)-s+1; insert(val,s+pos,ok); } } return 0; }
2018 年 10 月 30 日,真是一個不幸的日子.
在這一天,我終於把這道題 A 掉了,反反復復提交了十多次,終於在今天,我明白了為什麽錯:
UVa 坑爹輸出格式!!!輸出文件的結尾必須有一個空行!!!
Trees On the Level