1. 程式人生 > >工作詞彙


simplify [ˈsɪmpləˌfaɪ] vt.簡化
need to
看問題的新視角 老外不說<新>的; 他們用<另一個> another.
1) discussing the problems from another angle /perspective/ point of view/ viewpoint,...
2) Looking From Another Perspective
3) If you look at a room from a different position, you will see different things.
4) Position 2 is looking at the situation from another persons perspective, seeing things from their point of view, as if we are them,
5) To answer the question of how a different perspective leads to a creative solution, we need to understand a little neuropsychology

be aware of+n.
realize that+從句
be conscious of +n.

trivial things 瑣事

I know it 非常瞭解
I know it quite well 比較瞭解
It's hard to explain 說不清楚
I don't know much about it 不太瞭解
I have no idea about it 完全不瞭解

be excited to do sth  做某事很興奮
be excited to 對..很興奮
data modeling[ˈmɔdlɪŋ] 資料建模

take a fresh look at

This part of the data is stored in a field of type XML.
syntax [ˈsɪntæks] n. 文法,句法
We need to use XPATH syntax to parse this part of the data , and converted into structured data.

What are your recent progress in export Search data?

ETL Extract-Transform-Load
extract [ɪkˈstrækt]